Sunday, November 13, 2011

So we end last chat 4 with the question "How do we avoid Spiritual, Intellectual vanity about issues and really ask the question "do we really have love for others?" May the talk be charity. Jesus indeed said that some draw near with lips but their heart is far away. Amen...

So the Prayer is Father in Heaven: Give us the sincere love for others, with true charity, away from all the chaff of religious rethoric: In Jesus Name We Pray...

Diet in Word Work in Charity Mastering to Perfection

A great football player who wanted to be coach, who was very diligent. A great writer who had a great descrimination and focus on his work. A great artist who labored endlessly in his works. A violinist who achieved excellence and the story goes on, about great men and women who were masters at what they did...

Wanting to reach perfection. What does all this mean is dicipline, the rigor to achieve perfection. How about us and our dicipline? AM I a dicipile of Christ? Do we have stamina? The accumen? The devotion? The Character that will Characterize what we want to achieve?...

Are we really fruitful in doing the Lord's work? Are just going with the flow without any concern to wether we are accomplishing our goal to show mercy to some? Amen.


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