Sunday, December 25, 2011

A realist in military matters, the emperor Septimius Severus nevertheless thought it was worth making the long jouney north to Britain and campaigning for two years into Scotland. Britain mattered to Rome...

The traditinal viwd that the province required a military garrison disproportinate to its tiny population and wealth has been modified in recent years by archaeological finds...

Britian Regained and Abandoned
Roman Empire
Nigel Rodgers

As I was writing about your grace Father and reading about Moses and Pharoe, the light came in my heart that only you can make unbelievers understand and listen to what we say..

Thankyou for you instruction today. No miracle, sign or wonder can help an unbeliever listen to us who are held by Satan to do his will. Forgive us for being so ignorant..

Thankyou for redeeming our study about how only you can bring about Salvation to a soul. Please interceed for the souls of men that they will heed your words. May you have all the glory..



As we watch the dough rise and bake in the oven, we can't but give you thanks God for your kind work on our behalf. We thank you so much. Thankyou for interceeding for my mother..

She gave a thirsty maiden money to buy a drink and refresh herself. The maiden pretended to have money, but we found out that she had not and she bought something, and gave thanks for the first time to us and again..

Later, I pretended to take my mother to her church to pray for her daughter so and so but was crosed. But we felt better. Later we ate and decided to bake bread. But before we baked the bread, she got a call from a freind she steemed much at school,here teacher..

My mother was comforted and refreshed and baked the bread. Amen.


And when we are comforted and give bread is not Jesus the Bread of Life that gives comfort to the world. Is there anything that gives comfort to a broken heart??!! And when the Roman Emperor went to Britain and Came back without comfort and yet being a Roman, Roman Catholitism is the largest religion in the world...

God could not let him stay there that from that Britain Place came the Pilgriim that found the Religion of being Just as we have in Our Country the United States. And surely there was struggle to get what we wanted our freedom...

But now free to preach the gospel the the world, God made it possible where we can talk all languages and talk to all people like we are doing now. And Severus just was not his time to alter history from where the precepts of freedom came from the

idea of justice from Rome but a religion different that is focused on conquering the world like the Roman Emperor Severus wanted to do, yet Mex and American join two world who can now speak the languages where the difficult issues are spoken and raised without shrugging back with dismay any...


All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth, go ye forth into the world and preach the gospel to every creature, teaching them to observe everything I have taugh you...or rather shown you...



Friday, December 23, 2011

As we chat with you dear Lord, we want to confess that we know that you know that we are having trouble with the genre of this generation. Forgive us to direct our complaint and discontent to unbelievers...

We should have talked to you. Lord God I want to thankyou for my affliction is great! Thankyou for reminding me and us how is the predicament with those that need you in this merciless world, stooping to get water out of the well is to say the least, uncomfortable..

Thankyou for helping us see how our faith is wavering. Thankyou for bringing me great affliction, only you could of know, what bring us great distress! But...I'm comforted that you are all knowing and understanding and Lord of Lord of all circumtances...

I fell short of giving you glory for the Author of all things, past, present and future. Setting aside all sour feelings in my heart, I want to make supplication for the peace of men, that they may be saved...

And that their sins may be forgiven and their lives raised from the dead. The drawing of water is hard business and not popular with the birds of pasture. Forgive us our sins and weak moments...

Intercede for the peace all our families of my love and my life. Please bless my earthly parents. That they like others come to the knowledge of the truth that they are sinners worthy of damnation if not for the saving work of Jesus on the Cross...

In your name we thank you God Jesus. Amen.


May God have me have mercy and come to believe with you and be saved. Amen

That’s it!
I’m through learning today!
See you all tomorrow!
(evil look)
I think I’m a better judge of when I’m through.
(Sullen and resentful response)

There’s Treasure Everywhere
A Calvin and Hobbes Collection by Bill Watterson
(bracket comments added)
Love,…you don’t want me to go there?!..
I don’t know where it is you think I don’t want you to go there?!..
Being through thing!!..?
We gone over it over and over,…but that Maybe thing even yes is not over completely I think..!!
I could say that,…
We when I told I love,…you I MEAN IT FOREVER…!!
Well,…I did not want be mean at all!!
Though I fell in a trance and then we it was over!!..
But the last thing I heard,…not between you and us!!
And that is what God want to hear,…and tell when we make mistakes!!…
And your people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and close-fitting covering of you molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you say to it: “Mere Dirt”…

And He will certainly give the rain for you seed with which you sow the ground…

Old Testament
When things get dirty Love,…I do and you did feel like scattering me,…and maybe I was Mere Dirt which means look here chum,…
And when were Mere Dirt,…God sees us like a menstruating woman,…not dirty but tot tally helpless and sometimes with some kind of look to heaven evil look…


My eyes upon the Lord,…continually are set,…
Because it He,…that will bring me out,…
Of the Net…


Thursday, December 15, 2011

I've signed up to be a 'peer couselor'!..


I know what you mean francis!..Your confusion is completedly..understandable!..

Lincoln Pierce

We came upon another great function of Beat detective accidentally. When we first used the plug-in, we had mistakenly selected Marker option, and after the processing and we started playback, we discovered that Pro tools had just created a tempo map...

january 2012

27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

New Teastament

Lovi,..And in the end of things,...what is convenient??!!..

I hardly know of what you are men!!..

Lovin' Sponful!!...


What is the end of men??!!...

Something that is defenitedly not convenient!!..


But it is fair!!..

Gotta say thanks for that!!...


Monday, December 12, 2011

"Liutenant Green had had several opportunities to observe the place held by the insurgents. "The building was of stone, perhaps thirty-five," he recollected. "In the front were two large double-batted doors, very strongly made, with heavy wrought-iron nails."...

Winter 2012

490 BC Was Athens the Isreael of its day?


1941 The spy who doomed Pearl Harbor


What do you think Love?!...

I kindly think that communication can be very subtle inlittle pieces...

A chink here and a twinky there...

But what remends what gives the heart joy is secret to it...

But a woman will reveal the message to his man...

And I know you are watching in my heart and warching my heart...

And what remends to be known is no secret but a little plumpy twinket...

And but more sure is around my heart is your tug-my-heart golden bracelet!!..


Check on that 10\4!!


To Him we are naked to see and an open book..


Love,..What's with the news?...

I kindly...!!

Love that is enough to believe God...

God said that if we love him with all our heart...!!

And believe to be kind to others..!!

We've done our part!!...

And Jesus said that the Sabbath was a sign that is He God that sanctifies us...

Like a bracelet or frontlet that remind us when we wear it who loves us...

Remind us...reminds us...remind us...



A sign only...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holy Father in Heaven,

Jesus all wonderful God,

Thanks for you kind intercessions in Heaven,

Thankyou for shedding light of how little I know,

I about now you care about real righteousness of love and concern for others...


14If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

15Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.

16For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.

17And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my judgments;

18Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.

19But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them;

20Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.

21And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house?

22And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.

Old Testament

Please respect the humble...


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Coming around Christmas,
The king's response is an important response for us to notice. You see, inlife, when things are out of control, we need to trust in God's ability to cause people who have the power to help us make things happen to look upon us with favor...

Turn it Around
Frank Santora

In order to gain a clear and just idea of design and the end of government, let us suppose that a small number of people settled in some sequested part of the earth, unnconnected with the rest,they will represent the first poplings of any country,or of the world...

In this case liberty, society will be the first thought...

The United StatesConstitution and other American Documents

In Movie I've seen, the first thought is to whom the only man will be or the only woman!! And since juttice is aloft in secluded areas, the survival of the fittest seems the winning factor, But inr reality the winning factor apart from savagery and a Doctors Degree in Philosophy and Antropology, one cannot just but appologize that him aho has the greter god will catch the gretest antelope with the gretest possiblity of success...

And it is hidden that God exists and is onc all in a time of need with those who know who Magnificent God Eternal presides in Heave to rule over the earth...



Call wgy He is Neer...


The New Beginning...

Reminting the facts:

The newbie teachers, facing the onslaught of ten-year-olds, looked to each other for guidance and moral boosts. “Starting a school is like nothing you could ever imagine,”…

We worked eighteen-hour days. We barely knew each other at first, but the energy was high…

We became each others support team…

Dig this gig
Laura Dodds
Pp. 77

I AM a wonder into many: but thou art thou strong refuge. Let mouth be filled unto thy praise and with honour all the day…

Psalm 71
Old Testament

Committing that God is not the center of attention in schools and remitting that we came from frogs and snakes and larva and monkeys…

What remit the success to teach a child to respect his fellow is his god is aloft in his heart…

And it is easy to carry on a pragmatic idea that somehow we will with technology get ahead of the game…

And really more divorce rate is on the rise and less those that are becoming really wise…

And we don’t take to poetry because poverty is really and so is ignorance…

And if you thought school was expensive, try having a heavy dose of ignorance, even Creator God.


My People are Destroyed for lack of knowledge…



The New Beginning...

Reminting the facts:

The New Beginning...

Reminting the facts:

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

West Texas Catholic Communities
Every year families get together to celebrate the birthdays of their loved ones, their sons and daughters, moms and dads, even dear friends. In December we celebrate a very special birthday, the birthday of Jesus. And that special day on which the birthday of Baby Jesus is called “Christmas”…

The Rio Grande Catholic
Vol. 20 Number 8

The notion we put on Christmas lights on December to celebrate the Christmas Holiday, is that the certain named sheperds kept vigil by night looking at the starry night as they kept watch over the sheep flock…

And being a starry night, a star appeared to them, them that the Christ Child had been born. And they remended to follow the star to Jerusalem where the Child of Heaven lay on manger in swabblin’ clothes or cover drapes…

And being covered, he remained covered till he was declothed to be swatted by Roman Soldiers and then in the Cross, well nothing or little remained of what he God had on…

And being clothed with nothing, we cannot bring anything into this world or take anything out but..

Coming to terms, Christmas is about giving and lettin’ go of past grudges and remend to entreat a new year with a new spirit to confront he new morning of the first of the year with a smile that God reigns in heaven in full glory…

And not in swaddlin’ clothes we entertain him year round…

May God have all the Praise and all the Glory forever and ever. Amen.


Happy Holidays

Monday, December 5, 2011

As we prayed with God we had some question about our devotion and we are weary to guard that it is him we focus on, but with earnest prayer and supplication we ask God to help us to be fruitful in the gifts he has given us...

May he have all the Glory in Heaven and Earth. Amen.

We are surrounde with question to keep America working and paying less taxes and investing more for the good of everyone. And it is not bad to pay less taxes, but if we plant more pecans we will in the future have more nuts...

Sharin' a correspondence from the White House, and we want to make more freinds in the world and we want to less idle handed and really get down to being productive with our hands and minds, so we hopefully learn to share more of our blessin's with other...

And some time we don't get around to have anything because all we think about is to bless ourselves exclusively and leave our neighbor out of it...

And surely we want our privacy and respect that of others, and other have other customs...

But leanin' to break open a channel of communication with some remote people we,Mr. Barak Obama, President has proven to have that ability to me...

But learning to cut overhead and reap a greater gross and net gain, well we need more money to spend in pocket and in hand. And havin' things is not a bad report to God...

But learnin' to share a little is the best reap of havin' anything when we bless ourselves to be model Americans and Fellow world citizen, responsible and extending a hand where ever we can...

Good afternoon,
It's simple. If lawmakers don't vote to extend the payroll tax cut, taxes for 160 million Americans will go up on January 1st.
President Obama just left the press briefing room at the White House where he called on Congress to extend the tax cut, pay for it responsibly, and expand it so middle class families get a $1,500 break next year.
He told Congress to put country before party and stop wasting time.
Every day, folks are fighting to make ends meet and businesses are working to keep their doors open. The longer Congress waits to extend the payroll tax cut, the more uncertainty it creates for ordinary Americans. So we've put a clock on every page of the White House website, counting down the days, hours, and minutes until taxes for the middle class increase. In the briefing room, where the President just spoke, that same clock is ticking down as well."

White House Correspondence


It is more blessed to give than to receive...


Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Family members of a Fort Bliss soldier who ellegedly shot a married couple Monday in East El Paso,then was later shot and killed, have spent the past two days trying to figure out exactly what happened..."

The El Paso Times
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Next, the servant who had been given two thousand coins came in said, 'Sir, you gave me two thousand coins, and I have earned two thousand more.' Wonderful his Master replied. I left you in charge of only a little, but I will now put you in charge of much more. Come and share my happiness..."

New Testament

Two skew stories, one real and one not! And one would say which of them is real? And how true is what we read? And how certain are the facts? And do we have have a witness for a duplicate story defending either?..

And which of them is more tragic? And Jesus said to some and...that what if a man covet and inherit the who world and loses his soul? And what if we never hope to inherit anything, where would that take us?..

And what about you, if you killed someone and got killed in the process, what it worth it killing someone and then paying the penalty for it?..

And what if killed our life by doing nothing in contrast of doing something we are not supposed to?!..

And murder is tragic, but certain story tells that not doing anything is also tragic. I don't know what remended the facts, but do we have the facts in the first place? And that is the first question in System Analysis!!!..


Get the facts from the horses mouth...