Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Patience and kindness of Love...and as the World Thurns..Tons...How??,,, ,

The Protestants...well...

Apostolic and Romans lend me your hears...

Mire Cabron...ella te quiere...juegtela...!!!


The Miss swirled and then vanished, revealing Joramyl in the darkness. He was riding, and Mykella could my killer and glimpses of men to dark clouds and cloaks riding with him...


In Father Kennedy's opinion, this exactly where it belongs..."Yarmada Roshi felt that Zen was Japan"...

Love, what was that all about?..
I don't couldn't tell you...
And what AM I to you now?...
No me la jueges...

Nose te quiero...
Yo... se que hacer...
Sin ti...!!!


I forgot Lord that not everone of her friend would receive me...for you...


Monday, October 24, 2011

What's this snowman?
He's looking for cretaceous snow dinosaur...

Why does he look so sad?
He realized that snow fossilize, just melts.

Your s-now-men lead tragic lives...
Well, they're not bright....

There Treasure Everywhere
Calvin and Hobbes
Bill Watterson

Lovi, will you ever give that snowman of yours before he melts?...
I...I..couldn't say...
How will we ever get it together on that...frosty of your subject?... want to tell something...
I'm passing away...
And that is what may be happening...
The glitter may go and then...
There are no more applauses or limelites to slerve...

Call on the Lord while he is near...


Friday, October 21, 2011

Relinquishing Fear...

A good relationship isn't always crystals and rainbows. It's a birth process, often painful, often messy. When my daughter was first born, she was covered with blood and everything else. There was a lot to go through before the Gerber appeared.

A "spiritual relationship" isn't necessarily one in which two people are smiling all the time. Spiritual means to me, above all else, authentic..."

A Return to Love

Marianne Williamson

And it the end...

And this is teh end...

And if it wasn't authentic...

When continue any moment more...

Jesus said that any relation ship not built on respect but will not last, but the storm will take everything away to nit...

The end...ditto...


Thursday, October 20, 2011

"By the time we reached Damascus, we knew Randal was right. Anusual numer of syberian soldiers manned the main road to the capital; the roadsides were lined with tanks, their tarpaulin covers removed...A the road juction near the city limits were hundreds of soldiers from Defense Company" brigades..."

G0d Has Ninety-Nine Names
Judith Miller

No,...I did nto come here to say goodbye...

But to say 'high' hello how are you...?

But if taken wrong, don't take it...

In the cript we are misunderstood and we too misundersand because...

Or circumstances and our limitation of life and being human and weak and insecure...


Come here and get all the news in theology...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Consider the time is running out for you know who D..!

I see clergy now the pews are goon...!

It was a mother and child re-union is only a kinko away...!

Any time now,...mmm...mmm

Prety woman coming down the street...!

Hep...hep! this is the radar Love...

Un angel no debe llorar...un angel now debe llorar...

No debiste hacer me should of looked the other way...!!

A line here,...a codimiom there,...a Yukon blend here,...a precept there...

Till hook you,..fall back...and be mine...says God...

Many re called but few are chosen!!!...


He God gave and he took us up...!!

"Historicallly, the problem of free will was first recognized by the founding fathers of the Christian Church. They saw that free will is tension both with God's omnicient, he must have foreknowledge of our choices, and if he is omnipotent, our actions must have been determined along with the rest of his creation..."

Western Philosophy
David Papineua

Ten years of dreams in the forest!
Now on the lake's edge laughing,
Laughing a new laugh.

In pursuit of the Way, the prime essential i zazen. Just to pass time sitting straight, without any thought of acquisition, without any sense of achiving...

enlightenment---this is the way of the patriacs, It is true that our predecesors recommended both the koam and sitting, but it was sitting they particularly insisted upon.

Philip Novak

Mendivil sells a thousand silver-colored milagros a year. She also sells about fifty to sixty large gold-plated heart in five sized priced between $5 and $50. Most people who buy the two large seizes...

"No one wants to tell thier exact source,"...she said..."Because we're afraid of competion."


Whom God set for propipiation God did not sit it out to chance what would the outcome of their fate, but sent his son to set us free...

And in some place he did nto...well he did not ever regret what he was to do to love his treasure and never waivered the the fact that if I told you I love you Love I meant it forever... and heaven heart that statement...


So God loved the world that he Gave...and no hitch or regret...a perfect gift...


Monday, October 17, 2011

Some hand cream willl not do...

Lovi, what is the best way to success according to what is succeful..?

Lovisdud,..I don't know what that would be...

(1) I d0n't have...a way to express my true feelings...

(2) I condemn something that...can't tell you...but avoid it like the plague...lut

(3) O. my best dream have some...lut of it...

(4) And if you did...not...get...lots of it...I

epilogue on thought...

(a) Begin with end in mind and not the rear one..

(b) I want to take control...

(c) Somene told me...think ...

(d) Seek first to understand then be understood...but I find it reversed...get it clear...



I really like to know what is in the plan of malectron for me...

And really everyone woman need to where his man is coming from...

And if he tell her that he loves her I would like it for ever...


So God loved the world that he gave...and not coming back from that...


The Power and Priority of Love...

"The changes in airport security have spawned a whole new industry: ways to help people travel light. In other word, the lighter you travel, the fewer bags you have to check."

Turning Points

And Love to turning point is that when you checked with me and I told you it was you I wanted to check out. You will not you have to travel lighter and know that is clearer you won't be carring more bags and hopefully only ours along the way.

And you will have to check less along the way. Since the question is wheter our ticket is still the same. If Amarillo by Morning is where I want to go and you Kentucky Wisconsin, the we will just have to figure a way to get to both places.

And that means I respect you hometown and I just wanted to tell you that I get a frill by Amarillo by Morning...well him who want to come home after a long haul...



ditto...Lovi that Gandalia esperience...well you don't want me to go there...


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Somethings are just too far away to save!!...

What affects sin?...

The was we sin has nothing to do with the way we look...!

And truly I love I see a beautiful woman...then party time wool nto say...?

But what percluded a real love to me...

And we spoken of the Power of Love and the Priority of Love...

And we all have some sort of Power and some sort of Priority...

And some like to be swaggered and how cute you are and what we you today and swagger etc..

But Priority is boring...guaranteed...!!!

And Parent are boring adn those who never had them don't know this fact...!!

But we all have to grow up in some way and some are luckiet than other because they are simply beautiful to behold...

But not so luck...and you can never love me for being rich or efficient or intelligent or ...maybe good lucking you would..

But in System Analysis... some solution are more expensive than others...And some harware is more expensive to obtain...but some precept are more expensive to get...because they are a gift...

And in the home you will never know until iyou get there that the best precept yo heard someone give you child is someone you don't appreaciate until your child grows up and says thanks mom for marrying dad, he know how to be a freind and I will never be able to repay him...

And that is gift ...well...good luck you will need it...


Silence is golden when bad direction is speaking...

Show up! Show up regularly for prayer!

In a sermon at a wedding. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once gave this advice to a young couple: "Today you are young and very much in love and you think that your love can sustain your marriage. It can't. Let your your marriage sustain your love."

Love and prayer work the same: The beginners mistake is to think that they can be sustained simply through good feelings and good intention, without the help of ritual-contianer and sustaining rhythim.

That's naive, however sincere Love and Prayer can only be sustained by God...



Paul said that the new Passover is a bread of sincerity and not of vanity and vane thought...

And since the waffer is unleavened the love we have for each other should be without dissimulation and a false idea that we care when we really don't...


Is for me and is all for me in the end???...


Saturday, October 15, 2011

"You are saying that I AM king," Jesus told him.

"Was born into this world to tell you about the truth.
and everyone who belongs to the truth hears my voice."

Pilate asked Jesus, we have Roman Laws but what is truth really??...


If you truly abide in my words, you shall know the truth, and truth shall,

set you free...


New Testament


Friday, October 14, 2011

"Give the king thy judgement, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king's son."

"He shall judge you people with righteousness and thy poor with judgement..."

Psalm 72: 1-2


Kindly know Love, that I...

Well don't...

I couldn't...

And that sum it up...

And that is all God want to hear for salvation...


Blessed are the Meek for they will inherit the earth...

Jesus God


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"And men," replied Salyna.
"Berenyt is good with a blade."
Salyna and Mykella exchanged glances.
Rachylana glanced from one sister to the other, then flushed, "Not that way. You're terrible."

"We didnt' say anything," Mykella said, "Not a Word."

The Lord-Protector's Daugther

L.E Modesitt Jr.

"I swear and affirm that I will protect and preserve the lives and liberties of all children of Tempre and Lanachrona, and that I will employ all talent and skill necessary to do so, at all times, and in all places, so that peace and prosperity may govern this land and her people..."

L.E Modesitt, Jr.


Some Jews grabbed this man and were about to kill him. But when I found he was a Roman Citizen, I took some some soldiers and rescued him...

New Testament


But some months after the General Electric adn Westinghouse convictions, the FCC issued a statement to the press which was also sent to the companies to effect that prior activities of their executives in fixing prices for electrical equipment raised serious doubts about capabilities of the companies to operate the rather large number of television and radio stations they owned.

American Bureaucracy

Peter Woll


"Be careful how you characterize our NATO allies,"
Obama said sharply. We need them. They are useful in this coalition."

Obama's Wars
Bob Woodward


Love, since everything in its place and peaceful...


Just the bills perclude what will come in the future...

Nose que paseo del la republica Lovi...

I see that we will have to mark up our payment monthly to stay par...


But then what else can be is something we need...per


payment on the barrel head perclude elusion...


Monday, October 10, 2011

"El Paso Diocese begins life celebration"

[The topic are abortion, contraceptions, the death penalty, persons with disabilities,, embryo research, and life issues, reprodutive technologies and love and marriage]

the Rio Grande Catholic


As we sit and sat down to write we can't but bless God and give him all the glory. We want to praise him and bring him adoration for his wonder. We pray to God for all appointment and direction this chat. May he have glory and praise in heaven and earth...



Any ways Lovi, what is the visit?...

Naming what visit kind adoring father of mi...?

I don't know...God and his visitation!!...

...ditto...but...well no...but I do wonder...!!!



"My soul certainly feels a loathing towards my life...

I will vent my concern about myself...

I will speak the bitterness of my soul...

Job 10:1



Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We were fasting because we had lost the vision in our calling to help preach the gospel. We set aside the pense but our hearts went dim with sympathy. I suddenly remembered Jonah and how he became reluctant to preach the gospel to the damned Ninevites. And he took another agenda to escape. But was disponent...

Now we realize that we are like Jonah that he cared more the plant but had no vision of caring of the importance to preach and warn the Ninevites about convincing about the severity of Judgement in the little...

Imagine what will happen when it became in big. We get the picture??!!...



Demonstrate to me you love me...


Sunday, October 2, 2011

What is at stake!!...

"On October 30, Gates sent Obama a two page SECRET memo: "Attached is our response to the 27 NSC request asking DOD to develop alternative option to General McChrystal's force option two Tab A."

Obamas Wars
Bob Woodward

And we don't what was so secret but not so secret to this public. And what is really a secret and what secrets do we really need to find out about. And are the secrets that spill out really together secrets to those inside...

"The high priest and all the other Sadducess who were with him became jealous. They arrested the apostles and put them in jail. But at night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and led the apostles out. And the angel said "Go to the Temple and tell the people everything about the new life." And went into the Temple before sunrise and started teaching."

New Testament

And the truth is that the surplanting of our liberty and Government is to supplant the work of the gospel of good news that love is gift, and that God has the last key on any decision and destiny, and...well to preach the gospel we need an environment where respect is the best form of love...

And...God has blessed this nation to accomplish that purpose and there will be success in that undertaking up now...

and ps.. Greed is the best letdown of what love is taking over what doesn't belong to us...


It is more blessed to give than to receive...



The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change,

the courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at the time;

accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;

taking that you will make all things right

if I surrende to your will;

so that I will be reasonably happy in this life

and supemely happy with you in the next.


Reinhold Niebuhr



And I knelt and prayed and said God I ran out of faith...


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sorry we missed you! Deliver for you!!..

Anyways Love, what's the plan for tonite...yk...?!

You know thing...?

I don't know what you mean...?

But if you let me on I'll will know...!!

Coming around is not easy Love...!

Somethings are difficult when they are simple...

And hard when they are simple...

And when I told you I love you...

I mean it forever...

And it is not simple what that means...

But know that no man will take that away from me that...



God so loved the world that he...GAVE!!!

Any way Lovi...coming in today?...

I don't know M person,...but I...will see you...

Well forget it...

I always see you everything with my heart whim...

But Love?...

No Love me N person...

What is a N person...

The one after M...

That's why M&M go together...



Give me an L...L
Give me an O...O!

Well you know...keep it low...
