Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Coming of Age!!!..

Now coming down the road I see a gentel man!!...

And perceiving he is nothing of mine...

I perclude to take him in...

But along the way...

I lost thought...

And forgot...

For whom...



Epilogue: Now coming of age is not something new,...but when it comes we know...we have to something where we wan to go...but then we did nto want to get there so quickly...

A Cid la Vid...


It is not easy to face the truth about ourselves!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

I kind of think lovi that I thought I still love you today!...

But you see kind of sad,...

Of some sad report of swaggering n' the alley!!...

But know this that I don't love Jane,...

Or Nelly!...

But your little facy...



Here Jam and Apple Pie Jelly!!..


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Late April Morning Sabbath Message!!..

I like to think that sometimes in the early morning we like to think of something peaceful like God himself...

And in that early morning when light breaks in the Orient I like to think that that is when the day of the world starts...

And as the sun sweep across the blue ocean I like to believe that it carries news from abroad...

And when it reaches Cheaseapeak Bay the sun has already seen many things and many people...

And when we behold it at noon then we know it is our turn to be lit...

And when is set in the horizon in California when it has done its duty for the whole world for God...


Your are my only make me happy....mmmm


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

When things are figured out!!..

Lovi I fuguer that when no-bell is on the operating system needs to on as well...?!

Kind musse hair percussion,...I thought I was keeping that a secret?!!...

Love is in te ar: I tell you I couldn't figur it out...

...till el momento de die!!...

I du l like...that idea...

And the fact that God has system plan and the last key...

Well that cause me and much many amazement!!... you?...


Come here a let God let you in on the matter!!...


Monday, July 25, 2011

The Orco Sound that brings relief!!...

I was talkin' to minzi and she just could nto shut up!!...

Askin' question and question and about the dinner hour...

When we want peace here come 97 mosquito questions to...

Take away the peace of the world!!...

But we took on to make an Orco sound which devil language to shut up!!..

And everone who belongs is safely watchin' tv in hell!!...

What relief we have in God!!...

The Spirit and Bride say all you Come!!...


Glory to God indeed for the peace of this nite!!..


The Luckiest Girl in the whole USA!!..

Tammy: Dear Hun,...

I like the perceive I AM the luckiest girl in the corral!!..

Hobo de I.Q.: I see you have some preception...

...and some top on head of blonderation...!!

Tame-me: I don't see what you mean... Crystal Ball Purcution...

Hobo de White Flag: No!...Don't get me wrong...

...The music is playin'...and any sense in n' you displayin'!!..

...But where there is a will...there is a way!!...

But sometime God a miracle displayin'... you Dis-Placing...

...far astrayin!!...

Tam: Get you bags and and start...

...outside contem-playin!!...

Hobo: This game...

I did not...please amnesia what I was sayin!!...


In the Beginnin' was the sayin'..


Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Way We Bowl!..

Any ways...

Takin' another shot..

I ran out of lanes...

And we don't want to speak what we spoke about...

And in the game was a good bout...

But in the way...

Money we ran out...

And out of no where...

We borrowed with plenty...

Of Clout!!...

An the economy we knock-out!!...


Turn here and prosperity hear about!!


The New Way!!..

I come across to some thing...!

And it precludes to come true with you..!

And comin' to pass again...

And I thought I had everything to gain...

But sometimes comes the pain...

But I'm glad to see you in person...

Than the preception window pane!!..


Dee you there...


Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Revile Statement!!...

Lookin' through the lookin' glass...

I see someone coming'...

Whose sandal latches I AM unworthy to undo'...

And yet the gigglinn' girl smurfs her companion'...

I yet see a companion who will not smurf'...

And hopin' for somethin' to see or come'...

I see his life quite done'...

And the hamburger doen't have the bun'...

Yet I see still ill news for some'...

Jesus still come'...!!!


Come here and join the fun...the party just begun!!...


In Love with a Ghost!!..

Lookin' at her photograph my heart parts in two...

And know for certain that for ever she will wait for me...


Lookin' at the spring break...

And takin' another take...

And for ever know and tell you...


A new Heaven's and Earth is in the make...!!


It is cookin' here now above!!...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Frappuchino Experience by Far?!!..

Under-writun' a loboratory can be expensive!!..

And by far my love you have seen me through!!..

But the day far gone!!..

The Rain soon come!!..

A Newn Dignt visit me!!...

But you still the one for me for love!!...

Still the one for me!!...


Cant' imagine the Frapp your Redempt!!...


Get God here!!..


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The New Gad-Sin-Tie!!..

Lookin' over the rear view mirror...!!

I see but a mist in the ocean...!!

And takin' my heart in mind...!!

I set to set thin'gs straight with my love..!!

And she showin' her daughter her the book..!!

I see the young one pick up and show!!

And comin' to shore,..

I see a new story in store...which may last...!

Forever more!!...


Come to this shinin' store!!...


Monday, July 18, 2011

The Way We were!!..

Any ways thinking about it lov,...

Frappie has a point,...

Maybe you should hook up with her,...

And in the end,...

In the end...

If you are happy,...

Then I will be too,..

Jesus said I AM the alpha and the omega...

If you are going any where come here above!!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ask me for the moon I bring, the stars I'll take you there!!...

The most wonderful hours are spent with you...

You taught me to love you...

But never tell me don't love me...

Because that really hurt me...


This nite I want to be you...

You led to be like a child...

Ask me for the moon...

I will bring it you...

Ask me for the stars and I will take you there...



Ask for anything...and who know it may come true...

He taught them a Parable like the one above that men, women and children should...

...always pray and not lose heart!!...


Friday, July 15, 2011

What God Dreams about!!..

I have a dream that these people and this nation,...would... to the democlosure of thier creed!!..

That forming a more perfect union,...

Hold certain...

That all men...

Are endowed...

With certain rights and amenities...

Which can not be taken...


Because they are endowed as gifts from God...

And who can deal him on that matter!!..

And it certain that that is true...

Because God is Truth,...

And to lie,...

He cannot!...

But allowed certain confusion to believe a lie,...

Although the truth is clearly manifest to them...

On to wash his hands on their own destruction...

And in hell,...

Their own curse for Christ,...

Will kindle the fire even more,...

Until there is nothing left of them,...

Who do not believe,...

That Love is a Gift,...

And that God has the last key on matters,...

And woman is no diffent from man in wonder of glory of preception...!!

And this is the...well some...the end is not far... and hope for some...

defering more and more, the point of no return and no more chance for...

redemption of any kind in God or Christ which is who the SAME...


Here is all above...


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good Bye My Love I hate to Die!!..

Good bye my trusted is hard to die...

with the seasons in the sun...

Lovely turtle dove...I tell you one person has percieved and if that person tells 3 and that 3 tells 2...and that 7 tells 2,...well my love...sooner or later the party will be complete!!...

And the fat lady will not be invited at all!!...

But those in far off have the best chance of coming close to home!!...

And those at home have no place at all to all..!!

That is chucks my little twiklenose dublin!!...



Come ye here who are heaven laden and God promises to give you rest!!..

8 Pounds Lost!!..

Any ways love Christiam Bue Persuation...

When is your vacation...

And in all all is play...

There's nothing like a new batch of hay...

Don't worry my love about me...

I'm right new with gifts Christmas tree!!...


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Silent Girl Sang Silent Song!!...

Well coming back to myslef and forgrttin' all the wrathand all the bad numbers the life has for some reason unknown brought me!!..

And I look at the dicture in on the wall and I wonder if the song is for me!!..

And takin' look in the lookin' gookin' glass I perceive I may be different but I could not see how!!..

And lookin' at the swaggerin' man I wish Jesus would visit me now and out of this death life show me how!!..


Turn here and find the way out!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lookin' at Daniel Swagger!!..

I took a look at the cuidadano steer his coffee!!...

And it was a bad report!!..

The ciudadanos did not say thank you and come back!!...

Anyway everybody happy,...

The dint lady had a new way to dint off the profits!!..

Keepin' the swaggering party a the window...

Who cares if they come and go!!...

Any ways a new way to keep goul-in is to stay...

...Focused to keep paycheck coming!!..

You need money to make money!!..

And who knows cusromer satisfaction is part of being happy...

Happy employees are the most productive...

And Happy customers buy more stuff!!..