Sunday, December 25, 2011

A realist in military matters, the emperor Septimius Severus nevertheless thought it was worth making the long jouney north to Britain and campaigning for two years into Scotland. Britain mattered to Rome...

The traditinal viwd that the province required a military garrison disproportinate to its tiny population and wealth has been modified in recent years by archaeological finds...

Britian Regained and Abandoned
Roman Empire
Nigel Rodgers

As I was writing about your grace Father and reading about Moses and Pharoe, the light came in my heart that only you can make unbelievers understand and listen to what we say..

Thankyou for you instruction today. No miracle, sign or wonder can help an unbeliever listen to us who are held by Satan to do his will. Forgive us for being so ignorant..

Thankyou for redeeming our study about how only you can bring about Salvation to a soul. Please interceed for the souls of men that they will heed your words. May you have all the glory..



As we watch the dough rise and bake in the oven, we can't but give you thanks God for your kind work on our behalf. We thank you so much. Thankyou for interceeding for my mother..

She gave a thirsty maiden money to buy a drink and refresh herself. The maiden pretended to have money, but we found out that she had not and she bought something, and gave thanks for the first time to us and again..

Later, I pretended to take my mother to her church to pray for her daughter so and so but was crosed. But we felt better. Later we ate and decided to bake bread. But before we baked the bread, she got a call from a freind she steemed much at school,here teacher..

My mother was comforted and refreshed and baked the bread. Amen.


And when we are comforted and give bread is not Jesus the Bread of Life that gives comfort to the world. Is there anything that gives comfort to a broken heart??!! And when the Roman Emperor went to Britain and Came back without comfort and yet being a Roman, Roman Catholitism is the largest religion in the world...

God could not let him stay there that from that Britain Place came the Pilgriim that found the Religion of being Just as we have in Our Country the United States. And surely there was struggle to get what we wanted our freedom...

But now free to preach the gospel the the world, God made it possible where we can talk all languages and talk to all people like we are doing now. And Severus just was not his time to alter history from where the precepts of freedom came from the

idea of justice from Rome but a religion different that is focused on conquering the world like the Roman Emperor Severus wanted to do, yet Mex and American join two world who can now speak the languages where the difficult issues are spoken and raised without shrugging back with dismay any...


All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth, go ye forth into the world and preach the gospel to every creature, teaching them to observe everything I have taugh you...or rather shown you...



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