Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Just, The First and the Auahl....!!

T--Treating God as our Top Priority The Israelites had returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and the Temple after seventy years of captivity in Babylon. When they first returned, there was lots of spiritual energy and excitement, as you can imagine... But it wasn't long before the difficulty of the task ahead of them began to worry down their spiritual resistance. They forgot what sent them into captivity in the first place: ignoring the commands of God... .... 1. You have robbed God. 2. You are cursed because of robbing God. 3. Return the tithe to me and see If I will not bless you again. .... God was not getting the first and best from the people--and the question we need to ask ourselves. In our giving to God are we giving Him the first and the best?... God's Principles of Stewardship David Jeremiah ----------------------------------------------------- Sunday May 3, 2008 The sun was hot, the water cool, and the big spring-fed lake looked like fun. It was about three, and my mother was carrying me into the water to help me get accustomed to it... Suddenly she tripped over one of the water pipes that fed the lake and we both went under for a second or two. I came up shrieking! My mother kept saying, "You're okay. You're okay," but it took me years to build enough trust in water to learn to swim. The Word in Season --------------------------------------------------- "I cried unto God with my voice, even unto God with my voice and He gave ear unto me. In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran into the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted..." Psalm 77 Bible-Old Testament -------------------------------------------------- What gives us Peace? Who can give us Comfort? Who quenches our fears? As I was reading the account when Jesus fed the five thousand with the five loaves of barley and two small fish, It give me Comfort that my God can supply all my need... Whether Phycological, Physical, Emotional or Spiritual. Not withstanding, I was also reading the account where He was arrested and betrayed to be led away to be Crucified,... I too have comfort that God in Jesus had take care of Me there... skit ----------------------------------------------- The Lord is my Sheapperd, I shall not want... Psalm 23 Old Testament ---------------------------------------------- BSOM\thbg He met me at the cross-roads of my life... thbg\BSOM

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