Sunday, August 12, 2012

The War Monger coming on Quadrant...

The add Post and the Blessings who could not spell... August 12, 2012Once upon time I submitted to Christianblog but what I said did not fit with the commando there. And i was barred from that site. And no ill feelings but whay the issue is that we should pray we vote for a president that defends the "Freedom of Information Act". This is important because the freedom to express our redresses is pivotal in having a just Government. And when we schoose a candidate for the Presidency of the United States we should ask him sincerly if totally is faithful to defend the Constitution of the United States. Romninh in foreign affairs and making coalitions that are not appoved by NATO and the Americas Defense Consortium undermines a long saught plan to weaken our resolve to defend this American Continent. And not withstanding what President Barack Obama vision to bring all America together for our common good is not with those in Europe to find their own ends with our means. And making our country weaker by passing laws that we don't know the end of what but if we secure our fuel and out meat and corn flakes and oats is more pleasing to wisdom than war mongerin in time of need. And we dont' want to waste our youth to take a bullet tha is not intended for them or us Americans. Support the President to help him stick with the principle tha fear is not an option in sustaining the national creed that we hold certian that all men are created equal. And terminate on the bud those who have trasminated our rank to stumble the freedom we have always defended a d fought for. BSOM\thbg Rtt goes the Cat and behold seditioner,... I AM not taking a nap.. skit

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