A realist in military matters, the emperor Septimius Severus nevertheless thought it was worth making the long jouney north to Britain and campaigning for two years into Scotland. Britain mattered to Rome...
The traditinal viwd that the province required a military garrison disproportinate to its tiny population and wealth has been modified in recent years by archaeological finds...
Britian Regained and Abandoned
Roman Empire
Nigel Rodgers
As I was writing about your grace Father and reading about Moses and Pharoe, the light came in my heart that only you can make unbelievers understand and listen to what we say..
Thankyou for you instruction today. No miracle, sign or wonder can help an unbeliever listen to us who are held by Satan to do his will. Forgive us for being so ignorant..
Thankyou for redeeming our study about how only you can bring about Salvation to a soul. Please interceed for the souls of men that they will heed your words. May you have all the glory..
As we watch the dough rise and bake in the oven, we can't but give you thanks God for your kind work on our behalf. We thank you so much. Thankyou for interceeding for my mother..
She gave a thirsty maiden money to buy a drink and refresh herself. The maiden pretended to have money, but we found out that she had not and she bought something, and gave thanks for the first time to us and again..
Later, I pretended to take my mother to her church to pray for her daughter so and so but was crosed. But we felt better. Later we ate and decided to bake bread. But before we baked the bread, she got a call from a freind she steemed much at school,here teacher..
My mother was comforted and refreshed and baked the bread. Amen.
And when we are comforted and give bread is not Jesus the Bread of Life that gives comfort to the world. Is there anything that gives comfort to a broken heart??!! And when the Roman Emperor went to Britain and Came back without comfort and yet being a Roman, Roman Catholitism is the largest religion in the world...
God could not let him stay there that from that Britain Place came the Pilgriim that found the Religion of being Just as we have in Our Country the United States. And surely there was struggle to get what we wanted our freedom...
But now free to preach the gospel the the world, God made it possible where we can talk all languages and talk to all people like we are doing now. And Severus just was not his time to alter history from where the precepts of freedom came from the
idea of justice from Rome but a religion different that is focused on conquering the world like the Roman Emperor Severus wanted to do, yet Mex and American join two world who can now speak the languages where the difficult issues are spoken and raised without shrugging back with dismay any...
All Authority is given to me in Heaven and Earth, go ye forth into the world and preach the gospel to every creature, teaching them to observe everything I have taugh you...or rather shown you...
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
As we chat with you dear Lord, we want to confess that we know that you know that we are having trouble with the genre of this generation. Forgive us to direct our complaint and discontent to unbelievers...
We should have talked to you. Lord God I want to thankyou for my affliction is great! Thankyou for reminding me and us how is the predicament with those that need you in this merciless world, stooping to get water out of the well is to say the least, uncomfortable..
Thankyou for helping us see how our faith is wavering. Thankyou for bringing me great affliction, only you could of know, what bring us great distress! But...I'm comforted that you are all knowing and understanding and Lord of Lord of all circumtances...
I fell short of giving you glory for the Author of all things, past, present and future. Setting aside all sour feelings in my heart, I want to make supplication for the peace of men, that they may be saved...
And that their sins may be forgiven and their lives raised from the dead. The drawing of water is hard business and not popular with the birds of pasture. Forgive us our sins and weak moments...
Intercede for the peace all our families of my love and my life. Please bless my earthly parents. That they like others come to the knowledge of the truth that they are sinners worthy of damnation if not for the saving work of Jesus on the Cross...
In your name we thank you God Jesus. Amen.
May God have me have mercy and come to believe with you and be saved. Amen
We should have talked to you. Lord God I want to thankyou for my affliction is great! Thankyou for reminding me and us how is the predicament with those that need you in this merciless world, stooping to get water out of the well is to say the least, uncomfortable..
Thankyou for helping us see how our faith is wavering. Thankyou for bringing me great affliction, only you could of know, what bring us great distress! But...I'm comforted that you are all knowing and understanding and Lord of Lord of all circumtances...
I fell short of giving you glory for the Author of all things, past, present and future. Setting aside all sour feelings in my heart, I want to make supplication for the peace of men, that they may be saved...
And that their sins may be forgiven and their lives raised from the dead. The drawing of water is hard business and not popular with the birds of pasture. Forgive us our sins and weak moments...
Intercede for the peace all our families of my love and my life. Please bless my earthly parents. That they like others come to the knowledge of the truth that they are sinners worthy of damnation if not for the saving work of Jesus on the Cross...
In your name we thank you God Jesus. Amen.
May God have me have mercy and come to believe with you and be saved. Amen
That’s it!
I’m through learning today!
See you all tomorrow!
(evil look)
I think I’m a better judge of when I’m through.
(Sullen and resentful response)
There’s Treasure Everywhere
A Calvin and Hobbes Collection by Bill Watterson
(bracket comments added)
Love,…you don’t want me to go there?!..
I don’t know where it is you think I don’t want you to go there?!..
Being through thing!!..?
We gone over it over and over,…but that Maybe thing even yes is not over completely I think..!!
I could say that,…
We when I told I love,…you I MEAN IT FOREVER…!!
Well,…I did not want be mean at all!!
Though I fell in a trance and then we it was over!!..
But the last thing I heard,…not between you and us!!
And that is what God want to hear,…and tell when we make mistakes!!…
And your people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and close-fitting covering of you molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you say to it: “Mere Dirt”…
And He will certainly give the rain for you seed with which you sow the ground…
Old Testament
When things get dirty Love,…I do and you did feel like scattering me,…and maybe I was Mere Dirt which means look here chum,…
And when were Mere Dirt,…God sees us like a menstruating woman,…not dirty but tot tally helpless and sometimes with some kind of look to heaven evil look…
My eyes upon the Lord,…continually are set,…
Because it He,…that will bring me out,…
Of the Net…
I’m through learning today!
See you all tomorrow!
(evil look)
I think I’m a better judge of when I’m through.
(Sullen and resentful response)
There’s Treasure Everywhere
A Calvin and Hobbes Collection by Bill Watterson
(bracket comments added)
Love,…you don’t want me to go there?!..
I don’t know where it is you think I don’t want you to go there?!..
Being through thing!!..?
We gone over it over and over,…but that Maybe thing even yes is not over completely I think..!!
I could say that,…
We when I told I love,…you I MEAN IT FOREVER…!!
Well,…I did not want be mean at all!!
Though I fell in a trance and then we it was over!!..
But the last thing I heard,…not between you and us!!
And that is what God want to hear,…and tell when we make mistakes!!…
And your people must defile the overlaying of your graven images of silver and close-fitting covering of you molten statue of gold. You will scatter them. Like a menstruating woman, you say to it: “Mere Dirt”…
And He will certainly give the rain for you seed with which you sow the ground…
Old Testament
When things get dirty Love,…I do and you did feel like scattering me,…and maybe I was Mere Dirt which means look here chum,…
And when were Mere Dirt,…God sees us like a menstruating woman,…not dirty but tot tally helpless and sometimes with some kind of look to heaven evil look…
My eyes upon the Lord,…continually are set,…
Because it He,…that will bring me out,…
Of the Net…
Thursday, December 15, 2011
I've signed up to be a 'peer couselor'!..
I know what you mean francis!..Your confusion is completedly..understandable!..
Lincoln Pierce
We came upon another great function of Beat detective accidentally. When we first used the plug-in, we had mistakenly selected Marker option, and after the processing and we started playback, we discovered that Pro tools had just created a tempo map...
january 2012
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
New Teastament
Lovi,..And in the end of things,...what is convenient??!!..
I hardly know of what you are men!!..
Lovin' Sponful!!...
What is the end of men??!!...
Something that is defenitedly not convenient!!..
But it is fair!!..
Gotta say thanks for that!!...
I know what you mean francis!..Your confusion is completedly..understandable!..
Lincoln Pierce
We came upon another great function of Beat detective accidentally. When we first used the plug-in, we had mistakenly selected Marker option, and after the processing and we started playback, we discovered that Pro tools had just created a tempo map...
january 2012
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
New Teastament
Lovi,..And in the end of things,...what is convenient??!!..
I hardly know of what you are men!!..
Lovin' Sponful!!...
What is the end of men??!!...
Something that is defenitedly not convenient!!..
But it is fair!!..
Gotta say thanks for that!!...
Monday, December 12, 2011
"Liutenant Green had had several opportunities to observe the place held by the insurgents. "The building was of stone, perhaps thirty-five," he recollected. "In the front were two large double-batted doors, very strongly made, with heavy wrought-iron nails."...
Winter 2012
490 BC Was Athens the Isreael of its day?
1941 The spy who doomed Pearl Harbor
What do you think Love?!...
I kindly think that communication can be very subtle inlittle pieces...
A chink here and a twinky there...
But what remends what gives the heart joy is secret to it...
But a woman will reveal the message to his man...
And I know you are watching in my heart and warching my heart...
And what remends to be known is no secret but a little plumpy twinket...
And but more sure is around my heart is your tug-my-heart golden bracelet!!..
Check on that 10\4!!
To Him we are naked to see and an open book..
Winter 2012
490 BC Was Athens the Isreael of its day?
1941 The spy who doomed Pearl Harbor
What do you think Love?!...
I kindly think that communication can be very subtle inlittle pieces...
A chink here and a twinky there...
But what remends what gives the heart joy is secret to it...
But a woman will reveal the message to his man...
And I know you are watching in my heart and warching my heart...
And what remends to be known is no secret but a little plumpy twinket...
And but more sure is around my heart is your tug-my-heart golden bracelet!!..
Check on that 10\4!!
To Him we are naked to see and an open book..
Love,..What's with the news?...
I kindly...!!
Love that is enough to believe God...
God said that if we love him with all our heart...!!
And believe to be kind to others..!!
We've done our part!!...
And Jesus said that the Sabbath was a sign that is He God that sanctifies us...
Like a bracelet or frontlet that remind us when we wear it who loves us...
Remind us...reminds us...remind us...
A sign only...
Love,..What's with the news?...
I kindly...!!
Love that is enough to believe God...
God said that if we love him with all our heart...!!
And believe to be kind to others..!!
We've done our part!!...
And Jesus said that the Sabbath was a sign that is He God that sanctifies us...
Like a bracelet or frontlet that remind us when we wear it who loves us...
Remind us...reminds us...remind us...
A sign only...
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Holy Father in Heaven,
Jesus all wonderful God,
Thanks for you kind intercessions in Heaven,
Thankyou for shedding light of how little I know,
I about now you care about real righteousness of love and concern for others...
14If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
15Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.
16For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.
17And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my judgments;
18Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.
19But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them;
20Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.
21And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house?
22And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.
Old Testament
Please respect the humble...
Jesus all wonderful God,
Thanks for you kind intercessions in Heaven,
Thankyou for shedding light of how little I know,
I about now you care about real righteousness of love and concern for others...
14If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
15Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.
16For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.
17And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my judgments;
18Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.
19But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them;
20Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.
21And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house?
22And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.
Old Testament
Please respect the humble...
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The king's response is an important response for us to notice. You see, inlife, when things are out of control, we need to trust in God's ability to cause people who have the power to help us make things happen to look upon us with favor...
Turn it Around
Frank Santora
In order to gain a clear and just idea of design and the end of government, let us suppose that a small number of people settled in some sequested part of the earth, unnconnected with the rest,they will represent the first poplings of any country,or of the world...
In this case liberty, society will be the first thought...
The United StatesConstitution and other American Documents
In Movie I've seen, the first thought is to whom the only man will be or the only woman!! And since juttice is aloft in secluded areas, the survival of the fittest seems the winning factor, But inr reality the winning factor apart from savagery and a Doctors Degree in Philosophy and Antropology, one cannot just but appologize that him aho has the greter god will catch the gretest antelope with the gretest possiblity of success...
And it is hidden that God exists and is onc all in a time of need with those who know who Magnificent God Eternal presides in Heave to rule over the earth...
Call wgy He is Neer...
Turn it Around
Frank Santora
In order to gain a clear and just idea of design and the end of government, let us suppose that a small number of people settled in some sequested part of the earth, unnconnected with the rest,they will represent the first poplings of any country,or of the world...
In this case liberty, society will be the first thought...
The United StatesConstitution and other American Documents
In Movie I've seen, the first thought is to whom the only man will be or the only woman!! And since juttice is aloft in secluded areas, the survival of the fittest seems the winning factor, But inr reality the winning factor apart from savagery and a Doctors Degree in Philosophy and Antropology, one cannot just but appologize that him aho has the greter god will catch the gretest antelope with the gretest possiblity of success...
And it is hidden that God exists and is onc all in a time of need with those who know who Magnificent God Eternal presides in Heave to rule over the earth...
Call wgy He is Neer...
The New Beginning...
Reminting the facts:
The newbie teachers, facing the onslaught of ten-year-olds, looked to each other for guidance and moral boosts. “Starting a school is like nothing you could ever imagine,”…
We worked eighteen-hour days. We barely knew each other at first, but the energy was high…
We became each others support team…
Dig this gig
Laura Dodds
Pp. 77
I AM a wonder into many: but thou art thou strong refuge. Let mouth be filled unto thy praise and with honour all the day…
Psalm 71
Old Testament
Committing that God is not the center of attention in schools and remitting that we came from frogs and snakes and larva and monkeys…
What remit the success to teach a child to respect his fellow is his god is aloft in his heart…
And it is easy to carry on a pragmatic idea that somehow we will with technology get ahead of the game…
And really more divorce rate is on the rise and less those that are becoming really wise…
And we don’t take to poetry because poverty is really and so is ignorance…
And if you thought school was expensive, try having a heavy dose of ignorance, even Creator God.
My People are Destroyed for lack of knowledge…
The newbie teachers, facing the onslaught of ten-year-olds, looked to each other for guidance and moral boosts. “Starting a school is like nothing you could ever imagine,”…
We worked eighteen-hour days. We barely knew each other at first, but the energy was high…
We became each others support team…
Dig this gig
Laura Dodds
Pp. 77
I AM a wonder into many: but thou art thou strong refuge. Let mouth be filled unto thy praise and with honour all the day…
Psalm 71
Old Testament
Committing that God is not the center of attention in schools and remitting that we came from frogs and snakes and larva and monkeys…
What remit the success to teach a child to respect his fellow is his god is aloft in his heart…
And it is easy to carry on a pragmatic idea that somehow we will with technology get ahead of the game…
And really more divorce rate is on the rise and less those that are becoming really wise…
And we don’t take to poetry because poverty is really and so is ignorance…
And if you thought school was expensive, try having a heavy dose of ignorance, even Creator God.
My People are Destroyed for lack of knowledge…
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
West Texas Catholic Communities
Every year families get together to celebrate the birthdays of their loved ones, their sons and daughters, moms and dads, even dear friends. In December we celebrate a very special birthday, the birthday of Jesus. And that special day on which the birthday of Baby Jesus is called “Christmas”…
The Rio Grande Catholic
Vol. 20 Number 8
The notion we put on Christmas lights on December to celebrate the Christmas Holiday, is that the certain named sheperds kept vigil by night looking at the starry night as they kept watch over the sheep flock…
And being a starry night, a star appeared to them, them that the Christ Child had been born. And they remended to follow the star to Jerusalem where the Child of Heaven lay on manger in swabblin’ clothes or cover drapes…
And being covered, he remained covered till he was declothed to be swatted by Roman Soldiers and then in the Cross, well nothing or little remained of what he God had on…
And being clothed with nothing, we cannot bring anything into this world or take anything out but..
Coming to terms, Christmas is about giving and lettin’ go of past grudges and remend to entreat a new year with a new spirit to confront he new morning of the first of the year with a smile that God reigns in heaven in full glory…
And not in swaddlin’ clothes we entertain him year round…
May God have all the Praise and all the Glory forever and ever. Amen.
Happy Holidays
Every year families get together to celebrate the birthdays of their loved ones, their sons and daughters, moms and dads, even dear friends. In December we celebrate a very special birthday, the birthday of Jesus. And that special day on which the birthday of Baby Jesus is called “Christmas”…
The Rio Grande Catholic
Vol. 20 Number 8
The notion we put on Christmas lights on December to celebrate the Christmas Holiday, is that the certain named sheperds kept vigil by night looking at the starry night as they kept watch over the sheep flock…
And being a starry night, a star appeared to them, them that the Christ Child had been born. And they remended to follow the star to Jerusalem where the Child of Heaven lay on manger in swabblin’ clothes or cover drapes…
And being covered, he remained covered till he was declothed to be swatted by Roman Soldiers and then in the Cross, well nothing or little remained of what he God had on…
And being clothed with nothing, we cannot bring anything into this world or take anything out but..
Coming to terms, Christmas is about giving and lettin’ go of past grudges and remend to entreat a new year with a new spirit to confront he new morning of the first of the year with a smile that God reigns in heaven in full glory…
And not in swaddlin’ clothes we entertain him year round…
May God have all the Praise and all the Glory forever and ever. Amen.
Happy Holidays
Monday, December 5, 2011
As we prayed with God we had some question about our devotion and we are weary to guard that it is him we focus on, but with earnest prayer and supplication we ask God to help us to be fruitful in the gifts he has given us...
May he have all the Glory in Heaven and Earth. Amen.
We are surrounde with question to keep America working and paying less taxes and investing more for the good of everyone. And it is not bad to pay less taxes, but if we plant more pecans we will in the future have more nuts...
Sharin' a correspondence from the White House, and we want to make more freinds in the world and we want to less idle handed and really get down to being productive with our hands and minds, so we hopefully learn to share more of our blessin's with other...
And some time we don't get around to have anything because all we think about is to bless ourselves exclusively and leave our neighbor out of it...
And surely we want our privacy and respect that of others, and other have other customs...
But leanin' to break open a channel of communication with some remote people we,Mr. Barak Obama, President has proven to have that ability to me...
But learning to cut overhead and reap a greater gross and net gain, well we need more money to spend in pocket and in hand. And havin' things is not a bad report to God...
But learnin' to share a little is the best reap of havin' anything when we bless ourselves to be model Americans and Fellow world citizen, responsible and extending a hand where ever we can...
Good afternoon,
It's simple. If lawmakers don't vote to extend the payroll tax cut, taxes for 160 million Americans will go up on January 1st.
President Obama just left the press briefing room at the White House where he called on Congress to extend the tax cut, pay for it responsibly, and expand it so middle class families get a $1,500 break next year.
He told Congress to put country before party and stop wasting time.
Every day, folks are fighting to make ends meet and businesses are working to keep their doors open. The longer Congress waits to extend the payroll tax cut, the more uncertainty it creates for ordinary Americans. So we've put a clock on every page of the White House website, counting down the days, hours, and minutes until taxes for the middle class increase. In the briefing room, where the President just spoke, that same clock is ticking down as well."
White House Correspondence
It is more blessed to give than to receive...
May he have all the Glory in Heaven and Earth. Amen.
We are surrounde with question to keep America working and paying less taxes and investing more for the good of everyone. And it is not bad to pay less taxes, but if we plant more pecans we will in the future have more nuts...
Sharin' a correspondence from the White House, and we want to make more freinds in the world and we want to less idle handed and really get down to being productive with our hands and minds, so we hopefully learn to share more of our blessin's with other...
And some time we don't get around to have anything because all we think about is to bless ourselves exclusively and leave our neighbor out of it...
And surely we want our privacy and respect that of others, and other have other customs...
But leanin' to break open a channel of communication with some remote people we,Mr. Barak Obama, President has proven to have that ability to me...
But learning to cut overhead and reap a greater gross and net gain, well we need more money to spend in pocket and in hand. And havin' things is not a bad report to God...
But learnin' to share a little is the best reap of havin' anything when we bless ourselves to be model Americans and Fellow world citizen, responsible and extending a hand where ever we can...
Good afternoon,
It's simple. If lawmakers don't vote to extend the payroll tax cut, taxes for 160 million Americans will go up on January 1st.
President Obama just left the press briefing room at the White House where he called on Congress to extend the tax cut, pay for it responsibly, and expand it so middle class families get a $1,500 break next year.
He told Congress to put country before party and stop wasting time.
Every day, folks are fighting to make ends meet and businesses are working to keep their doors open. The longer Congress waits to extend the payroll tax cut, the more uncertainty it creates for ordinary Americans. So we've put a clock on every page of the White House website, counting down the days, hours, and minutes until taxes for the middle class increase. In the briefing room, where the President just spoke, that same clock is ticking down as well."
White House Correspondence
It is more blessed to give than to receive...
Sunday, December 4, 2011
"Family members of a Fort Bliss soldier who ellegedly shot a married couple Monday in East El Paso,then was later shot and killed, have spent the past two days trying to figure out exactly what happened..."
The El Paso Times
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
"Next, the servant who had been given two thousand coins came in said, 'Sir, you gave me two thousand coins, and I have earned two thousand more.' Wonderful his Master replied. I left you in charge of only a little, but I will now put you in charge of much more. Come and share my happiness..."
New Testament
Two skew stories, one real and one not! And one would say which of them is real? And how true is what we read? And how certain are the facts? And do we have have a witness for a duplicate story defending either?..
And which of them is more tragic? And Jesus said to some and...that what if a man covet and inherit the who world and loses his soul? And what if we never hope to inherit anything, where would that take us?..
And what about you, if you killed someone and got killed in the process, what it worth it killing someone and then paying the penalty for it?..
And what if killed our life by doing nothing in contrast of doing something we are not supposed to?!..
And murder is tragic, but certain story tells that not doing anything is also tragic. I don't know what remended the facts, but do we have the facts in the first place? And that is the first question in System Analysis!!!..
Get the facts from the horses mouth...
The El Paso Times
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
"Next, the servant who had been given two thousand coins came in said, 'Sir, you gave me two thousand coins, and I have earned two thousand more.' Wonderful his Master replied. I left you in charge of only a little, but I will now put you in charge of much more. Come and share my happiness..."
New Testament
Two skew stories, one real and one not! And one would say which of them is real? And how true is what we read? And how certain are the facts? And do we have have a witness for a duplicate story defending either?..
And which of them is more tragic? And Jesus said to some and...that what if a man covet and inherit the who world and loses his soul? And what if we never hope to inherit anything, where would that take us?..
And what about you, if you killed someone and got killed in the process, what it worth it killing someone and then paying the penalty for it?..
And what if killed our life by doing nothing in contrast of doing something we are not supposed to?!..
And murder is tragic, but certain story tells that not doing anything is also tragic. I don't know what remended the facts, but do we have the facts in the first place? And that is the first question in System Analysis!!!..
Get the facts from the horses mouth...
Friday, November 25, 2011
The Pulley Bowl..!
Holy God, Wonderful Savior, Kind Redeemer, Jesus, Sactified Savior: Kind Glories to your name which is holy above all names: Holy Father's father please have mercy upon me. I've sinned terribly and my words are on trial...
Father I've sinned beyond description and have been unfruitful in meaning for those transgressions. My faith is on trial father. I've sinned and repeated the sin. My stance on hypocracy in trial and under attack on what I've spoken...
The Devil has desire to put the light of light of a hypocrite by inclining my elevation, repentence and giving has become sinful, even absent. I went to the theather and the devil made me doubt the care you have for my children, doubting your promise to take care of them...
Making me sorry for myself and them casting a weakness for the conviction of your cause and the gospel. I confess I've sinned beyond my strength, but I still have hope in the power in and of you...
I confess that I haven't humbled myself and fasted. I 've have acted presumptiously that you are not aware. I please pray that you again become the center of my heart and lead a repentant life worthy of you and what you done for us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Father I've sinned beyond description and have been unfruitful in meaning for those transgressions. My faith is on trial father. I've sinned and repeated the sin. My stance on hypocracy in trial and under attack on what I've spoken...
The Devil has desire to put the light of light of a hypocrite by inclining my elevation, repentence and giving has become sinful, even absent. I went to the theather and the devil made me doubt the care you have for my children, doubting your promise to take care of them...
Making me sorry for myself and them casting a weakness for the conviction of your cause and the gospel. I confess I've sinned beyond my strength, but I still have hope in the power in and of you...
I confess that I haven't humbled myself and fasted. I 've have acted presumptiously that you are not aware. I please pray that you again become the center of my heart and lead a repentant life worthy of you and what you done for us. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
As we start this new series, we start with the idea of feast of unleaven bread, being unleaven and coming out of our puffed-up arrogant attitude towards God and others. Let's glorify God above all...
As we start our reading Luke we begin on the birth of God on the Flesh. The Lamb of God which takes away the Sin of the World. As we see and hear Jesus, the coming Messiah is the new garmet and new wineskin. It is the new way where God is the one who makes the Covenant between Man and God possible...
It is not up to Man to Seek God but is God who seeks his Lost and makes his salvation possible. Humbling is the right word. Unleaven Cakes without man's self glory. Joseph's brothers were humbled before Joseph and now needed him desperatedly because of the famine...
Only Joseph could deliver them out of their need, only Him. Sodit is with Jesus only he can deliver us from our famine and need. The famine is from God and the deliverance is from God through Jesus our Lord...
So the Word of the Moment is Humble. God is able to humble anyone and make him offer his most precious thing one holds back. So God flatters us before him. May God have all the Glory and Praise. Amen.
As we start our reading Luke we begin on the birth of God on the Flesh. The Lamb of God which takes away the Sin of the World. As we see and hear Jesus, the coming Messiah is the new garmet and new wineskin. It is the new way where God is the one who makes the Covenant between Man and God possible...
It is not up to Man to Seek God but is God who seeks his Lost and makes his salvation possible. Humbling is the right word. Unleaven Cakes without man's self glory. Joseph's brothers were humbled before Joseph and now needed him desperatedly because of the famine...
Only Joseph could deliver them out of their need, only Him. Sodit is with Jesus only he can deliver us from our famine and need. The famine is from God and the deliverance is from God through Jesus our Lord...
So the Word of the Moment is Humble. God is able to humble anyone and make him offer his most precious thing one holds back. So God flatters us before him. May God have all the Glory and Praise. Amen.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Wayside Road or the Road less Traveled...!!
Holy, Holy God, kind and merciful Diety in Heaven:
As exemplfied by my carnality also no mystery I have a lots of room to grow. please accept my lament for my actions dear father. I have no way of justify them. I just pray for your forgiveness. It is just plain sin what I have committed...
Thankyou for you Cross and what you done on our behalf. In both cases it shows what it means our Passover you Passion for Us. As I look back I can now see that your work on the Cross was not for their Phariseesical sins but for Phariseesical people like Joseph and the lowest like myself...
I rreally only thought about others when I thought about Pharisees and the Children of the Devil. But now see that It's about me too with my great gap and shortcoming to your glory. When I asked the question "Why the pervasive and Phariseesitical behavior?...
I didn't quite see that you had some one like in mind. I appologize and thankyou for opening y eyes and answering my question. It's gotten clearer now. May you have all the praise and all the Glory for ever and ever. Amen.
As exemplfied by my carnality also no mystery I have a lots of room to grow. please accept my lament for my actions dear father. I have no way of justify them. I just pray for your forgiveness. It is just plain sin what I have committed...
Thankyou for you Cross and what you done on our behalf. In both cases it shows what it means our Passover you Passion for Us. As I look back I can now see that your work on the Cross was not for their Phariseesical sins but for Phariseesical people like Joseph and the lowest like myself...
I rreally only thought about others when I thought about Pharisees and the Children of the Devil. But now see that It's about me too with my great gap and shortcoming to your glory. When I asked the question "Why the pervasive and Phariseesitical behavior?...
I didn't quite see that you had some one like in mind. I appologize and thankyou for opening y eyes and answering my question. It's gotten clearer now. May you have all the praise and all the Glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sunday Morning Sabbath Message Sermon: I though I was...!!!
As I ended Chat 9, 'May you God have all the Glory', I say this as a prime witness because of what I AM about to recount. It just so happens that sin caught up with me last night and did what was unholy and regret it very much...
I was totally unfruitful in the Lord's work and totally wasted it all, even when I had the opportunity to do something. I confess that for me that's is with everything else my nearest sadness...
I was recounting the story of Joseph of Jacob and how he exalted himself in his family among his brothers with his multicolored coat. He really thought he was greatest among others. And before God really made him great, God abased him...
And the story has come down to me how I've been writing about how other as Phariseetical and Abdominal and God has shown me that he too is my Lord and abases me as well and showed me that he that blessed what we do...
We can do nothing appart from him. It really abased me that I was totally, totally fruitless and ungiving. May God have all the Glory In Heaven. Amen.
I was totally unfruitful in the Lord's work and totally wasted it all, even when I had the opportunity to do something. I confess that for me that's is with everything else my nearest sadness...
I was recounting the story of Joseph of Jacob and how he exalted himself in his family among his brothers with his multicolored coat. He really thought he was greatest among others. And before God really made him great, God abased him...
And the story has come down to me how I've been writing about how other as Phariseetical and Abdominal and God has shown me that he too is my Lord and abases me as well and showed me that he that blessed what we do...
We can do nothing appart from him. It really abased me that I was totally, totally fruitless and ungiving. May God have all the Glory In Heaven. Amen.
Friday, November 18, 2011
The topic is about some advice physichologis give parents to what they should tell teenagers. I had terribly rebellious children or teenagers. I got a call from their school every day. How do you deal with rebellion?...
Why are children discontent? What are the issues of teenagers? Teenagers want to be independent and they want to explore. Teenagers have to deal with their sexuality and career choices...
In other words the teenager years are identity focusing times. Their values fam and expectations and dreams. My mother says it true because if it is not our parents why teach us who will...
Why the rebellion? They want to be independent but they need a job, a career and how to make a living. How is this all revalent because parents do not pray for their children, and their unthankful lives...
Carrying on into the live of their teens. Their ungiving purses do not raise a hedge against the enemy. So their children are consumed. The promised that if maghtily forget him he will and promises to forget our children...
So children parents with dissimulation issues do help not, the plight of their most precious possesion, their children. Amen.
Why are children discontent? What are the issues of teenagers? Teenagers want to be independent and they want to explore. Teenagers have to deal with their sexuality and career choices...
In other words the teenager years are identity focusing times. Their values fam and expectations and dreams. My mother says it true because if it is not our parents why teach us who will...
Why the rebellion? They want to be independent but they need a job, a career and how to make a living. How is this all revalent because parents do not pray for their children, and their unthankful lives...
Carrying on into the live of their teens. Their ungiving purses do not raise a hedge against the enemy. So their children are consumed. The promised that if maghtily forget him he will and promises to forget our children...
So children parents with dissimulation issues do help not, the plight of their most precious possesion, their children. Amen.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Discontenment is the fruit of a lustful, coveteous heart with all manner of desires. We want and we don't have because we ask wrongfully to safisfy our own pleasures. Discontent also flies unnoticed because it is also unthankful and ungiving...
Why would we want to give thanks? To God who make our life miserable? Satan visited us today but we give you thanks because God spared us a lot of grief. In our continuing series. We draw men to give thanks but we are really grateful for your power over all circumstances and happening...
Somehow this line of talk does not please Satan. That you alone God are Lord of Lords and King of Kings. We realize that you God trim our trial to what we are able to take. Thankyou for remembering our humanity and dusk...
God please bless the rest of the afternoon and evening. Thankyou for rebuking our flesh and its lusts. We want to ask you for your protection for the lust of the flesh, the world and Satan. Please bless the bible study this afternoon and we thankyou in Jesus God's Name. May you have all the Power and all the Glory forever and ever.
In Heaven and in all the Earth. Amen.
Why would we want to give thanks? To God who make our life miserable? Satan visited us today but we give you thanks because God spared us a lot of grief. In our continuing series. We draw men to give thanks but we are really grateful for your power over all circumstances and happening...
Somehow this line of talk does not please Satan. That you alone God are Lord of Lords and King of Kings. We realize that you God trim our trial to what we are able to take. Thankyou for remembering our humanity and dusk...
God please bless the rest of the afternoon and evening. Thankyou for rebuking our flesh and its lusts. We want to ask you for your protection for the lust of the flesh, the world and Satan. Please bless the bible study this afternoon and we thankyou in Jesus God's Name. May you have all the Power and all the Glory forever and ever.
In Heaven and in all the Earth. Amen.
My Mother went to a seminar about how to deal the parent-teacher relations in the high schools. There's a lot of strife between parents and teachers and the High School Couselors. The teachers say that parents shouldn't help the children with their homework...
But parents says it is ok sometimes. The idea was that there should be understanding between parents and teachers. There is no solution in sight. Just cause and effect. I came home to hear a discontent dog bark. It is so unpleasant to please a discontent dog. It is never happy...
I ask myself the same question 'is the way I AM with God? I confessed today I was discontent about many things. But God made everything allright. My father blasted at my mother, another discontent heart...
Is there any time for thanks-giving? And to be grateful and content? No, only oblation stopped, thanks-giving stopped. The hardening of hearts is all around. There is no point at lashing at each other...
Hauling accusations at each other. The truth of the matter is that people who worship with their lips are the most unthankful in heart. Jesus said that they draw near with their lips but their heart is far away from me...
I'm amazed at how ungiving of thanks and giving opens the devil to brood discontent in a heart. May Jesus have all the glory in everything. Amen.
But parents says it is ok sometimes. The idea was that there should be understanding between parents and teachers. There is no solution in sight. Just cause and effect. I came home to hear a discontent dog bark. It is so unpleasant to please a discontent dog. It is never happy...
I ask myself the same question 'is the way I AM with God? I confessed today I was discontent about many things. But God made everything allright. My father blasted at my mother, another discontent heart...
Is there any time for thanks-giving? And to be grateful and content? No, only oblation stopped, thanks-giving stopped. The hardening of hearts is all around. There is no point at lashing at each other...
Hauling accusations at each other. The truth of the matter is that people who worship with their lips are the most unthankful in heart. Jesus said that they draw near with their lips but their heart is far away from me...
I'm amazed at how ungiving of thanks and giving opens the devil to brood discontent in a heart. May Jesus have all the glory in everything. Amen.
Dear Jesus , God, Everlasting Father:
Please be with us on this time of doubt. Please don't dim our faith in this time of need. Remember all the times we gave you thanks. It is because of all the times you have been...
We perceived that we have been ungrateful for the wonderful calling you have given us. I don't even remember one time we have been in need. I'm fat in the bone surrounded with your Word. We are just plain ungrateful for you fine provision...
We were filled with lust and discontent. We we blind not see. We pray for your strength to see us through this storm. We doubted that you could carry us through. Thankyou for testing our faith...
Satan tested us totally. We were hypocrites to doubt the wisdom in us being your servants. After all we wrote, we find found we wanted to follow the emulation of others. We were enticed with their lot, which we don't want to contemplate...
We thought we could but we couldn't. Only God and His Word know that lot. We don't perceive it will be we spoken of in this life or the next. We just pray that the Lord vindicates us out of darkness and strengthen us again...
We don't know the lot of those that follow the wide path or easy path. We can only tell what the one we have is like. But like we said the first thing we don't want to do is be ungrateful. So may God have all the Glory in the Kingdom. Amen.
Please be with us on this time of doubt. Please don't dim our faith in this time of need. Remember all the times we gave you thanks. It is because of all the times you have been...
We perceived that we have been ungrateful for the wonderful calling you have given us. I don't even remember one time we have been in need. I'm fat in the bone surrounded with your Word. We are just plain ungrateful for you fine provision...
We were filled with lust and discontent. We we blind not see. We pray for your strength to see us through this storm. We doubted that you could carry us through. Thankyou for testing our faith...
Satan tested us totally. We were hypocrites to doubt the wisdom in us being your servants. After all we wrote, we find found we wanted to follow the emulation of others. We were enticed with their lot, which we don't want to contemplate...
We thought we could but we couldn't. Only God and His Word know that lot. We don't perceive it will be we spoken of in this life or the next. We just pray that the Lord vindicates us out of darkness and strengthen us again...
We don't know the lot of those that follow the wide path or easy path. We can only tell what the one we have is like. But like we said the first thing we don't want to do is be ungrateful. So may God have all the Glory in the Kingdom. Amen.
Monday, November 14, 2011
One thought from Chat 6 is that Mercy Triumphs over judgement. Dear God, Everlasting Wonder in Heaven, Examiner of all Men, Thankyou for all your kind Blessings. I just at bread and was refreshed...
It reminded me of what kind mercy is all about. I took an issue in my heart that I need a wife to accompany in my life. Wouldn't that be great. Every man has wife except me. The one I had cost me my walk with God...
The question is that if I want loose another one? The yield I produce is trivia and that is what troubles me. Is all worth it? What I pretend to go withour a wife? But I ask myself the question with doubt where is the Lord in this matter?...
The Gospel is not for children who need a home to keep them warm. The Gospel is something else. It leaves men naked, wounded and sometimes dead! I just pray to God for strength in this matter...
It is really a mystery what men do for the sake of the Kingdom. There's another path to the Kingdom with all the Comforts and Amenties. It had godliness and virtue and all those good thing...
But the yield in Charity is very little. The snare is its contentment with this life. One can live a biblical life in this path. The other is less traveled, very narrow. Very little room for life's pleasure. Full of Grief. Amen.
It reminded me of what kind mercy is all about. I took an issue in my heart that I need a wife to accompany in my life. Wouldn't that be great. Every man has wife except me. The one I had cost me my walk with God...
The question is that if I want loose another one? The yield I produce is trivia and that is what troubles me. Is all worth it? What I pretend to go withour a wife? But I ask myself the question with doubt where is the Lord in this matter?...
The Gospel is not for children who need a home to keep them warm. The Gospel is something else. It leaves men naked, wounded and sometimes dead! I just pray to God for strength in this matter...
It is really a mystery what men do for the sake of the Kingdom. There's another path to the Kingdom with all the Comforts and Amenties. It had godliness and virtue and all those good thing...
But the yield in Charity is very little. The snare is its contentment with this life. One can live a biblical life in this path. The other is less traveled, very narrow. Very little room for life's pleasure. Full of Grief. Amen.
Dear God Jesus:
Thankyou God for all your kind blessings of today. We were refreshed. My son visited us at our house and we chatted with him. Thankyou God for his well-being and prosperity. We enjoyed his visit and we do not want to pretend we did not be hypocritical...
It seem that the pervasive issue is shedding our hypocracy and putting on sincerity and our 'walk and talk'. As we read in bible Jacob was not at all sincere with his father Issac. And neither was his wife Rebecca who master-minded the thirvery of the birth-right...
We read that she made herself resposible for the plot since Jacob was reluctant. Good thing God is the Lord of all Circumstancess and spirits and outcomes. Her insincerity brought on the coming of our Messiah who was to produce blessing...
But the rest of the desceandants of Abraham through her, God blinded and cast our for the present time! Deceit bears fruit and being clothed with double-mindedness bears consequences...
Exalting yourself is bad business. That clothing we should avoid. But as the Lord said that mercy triuimphs over judgement. And we are thank God for his kind favor and mercy on our behalf. Keep yourself unspotted from the world- Amen in J.N.
Thankyou God for all your kind blessings of today. We were refreshed. My son visited us at our house and we chatted with him. Thankyou God for his well-being and prosperity. We enjoyed his visit and we do not want to pretend we did not be hypocritical...
It seem that the pervasive issue is shedding our hypocracy and putting on sincerity and our 'walk and talk'. As we read in bible Jacob was not at all sincere with his father Issac. And neither was his wife Rebecca who master-minded the thirvery of the birth-right...
We read that she made herself resposible for the plot since Jacob was reluctant. Good thing God is the Lord of all Circumstancess and spirits and outcomes. Her insincerity brought on the coming of our Messiah who was to produce blessing...
But the rest of the desceandants of Abraham through her, God blinded and cast our for the present time! Deceit bears fruit and being clothed with double-mindedness bears consequences...
Exalting yourself is bad business. That clothing we should avoid. But as the Lord said that mercy triuimphs over judgement. And we are thank God for his kind favor and mercy on our behalf. Keep yourself unspotted from the world- Amen in J.N.
My Mother was chattin' with me about fashion. She says that even those skimpy clothin' have value, wether men or woman. Those that desigh skimpy clothin' have more human concern than others...
I ask her about women. I ask by practically wether women lower themselves to value their body only. Do they feel inferior to show women more modestly dressed? Is it absolutely necessary to be provacative?...
I'm a man and like it. But what is it in for them? It seems that women appreciate what they wear because they wear it. It is like the Lord told Eve your desire shall be for you husband. Just like u women, the husband wants to be intimate with her...
God's people should shed this clothin' of distantness with God. Since God sees us nakedly as we really are. We should be truthful and open with him. God sees all through our veneer of unconfessed sin and perversion...
God says that our works are filthy rags to him. As maidens to God, we should put on Christ and his humility, charity and chastity and meekness to know him. So Skimpy Clothes doesn't always talk bad with wisdom, when deep down our hypocracy and put-on sincerity...
In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen.
I ask her about women. I ask by practically wether women lower themselves to value their body only. Do they feel inferior to show women more modestly dressed? Is it absolutely necessary to be provacative?...
I'm a man and like it. But what is it in for them? It seems that women appreciate what they wear because they wear it. It is like the Lord told Eve your desire shall be for you husband. Just like u women, the husband wants to be intimate with her...
God's people should shed this clothin' of distantness with God. Since God sees us nakedly as we really are. We should be truthful and open with him. God sees all through our veneer of unconfessed sin and perversion...
God says that our works are filthy rags to him. As maidens to God, we should put on Christ and his humility, charity and chastity and meekness to know him. So Skimpy Clothes doesn't always talk bad with wisdom, when deep down our hypocracy and put-on sincerity...
In Jesus Name We Pray. Amen.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Chat with God#5:
Holy Father of Heaven: Jesus in Glory: God- We thankyou very much for this day and its trimmin's. We went to service today and we were refreshed. My Words spoke about dicipline, devotion and comin' out of Spiritual Hypocracy, the war is declared...
As we were continuin' our Chat of Spiritual Vanity, lip service, falsehood adn plain unfruitfulness in our work and walk. We appealed to you for the sincerity in devotion that we need we need...
We need not to think we can do that ourselves. we need you Father, apart from you, we can do nothing. Thankyou for leadin' the way that we can become master at what we do. Continue to equip us to do the work you want us to do. We went to group also today and practice listenin'...
We need you to help us Listen to you Father. Thankyou for all your kind blessin's. We ate our physical bread and were refreshed. We thankyou kindly for everything. Continue to guide and encourage us to be more fully prepared to do your work...
Satan keeps tappin' and bangin' our door to get his attention with his lures and his enticements. Please, we pray for you protection and safety. Please bless this afternoon bible study adn work. That your Name be Glorified in what we do today...
In Jesus Name we Pray. Amen.
Holy Father of Heaven: Jesus in Glory: God- We thankyou very much for this day and its trimmin's. We went to service today and we were refreshed. My Words spoke about dicipline, devotion and comin' out of Spiritual Hypocracy, the war is declared...
As we were continuin' our Chat of Spiritual Vanity, lip service, falsehood adn plain unfruitfulness in our work and walk. We appealed to you for the sincerity in devotion that we need we need...
We need not to think we can do that ourselves. we need you Father, apart from you, we can do nothing. Thankyou for leadin' the way that we can become master at what we do. Continue to equip us to do the work you want us to do. We went to group also today and practice listenin'...
We need you to help us Listen to you Father. Thankyou for all your kind blessin's. We ate our physical bread and were refreshed. We thankyou kindly for everything. Continue to guide and encourage us to be more fully prepared to do your work...
Satan keeps tappin' and bangin' our door to get his attention with his lures and his enticements. Please, we pray for you protection and safety. Please bless this afternoon bible study adn work. That your Name be Glorified in what we do today...
In Jesus Name we Pray. Amen.
So we end last chat 4 with the question "How do we avoid Spiritual, Intellectual vanity about issues and really ask the question "do we really have love for others?" May the talk be charity. Jesus indeed said that some draw near with lips but their heart is far away. Amen...
So the Prayer is Father in Heaven: Give us the sincere love for others, with true charity, away from all the chaff of religious rethoric: In Jesus Name We Pray...
Diet in Word Work in Charity Mastering to Perfection
A great football player who wanted to be coach, who was very diligent. A great writer who had a great descrimination and focus on his work. A great artist who labored endlessly in his works. A violinist who achieved excellence and the story goes on, about great men and women who were masters at what they did...
Wanting to reach perfection. What does all this mean is dicipline, the rigor to achieve perfection. How about us and our dicipline? AM I a dicipile of Christ? Do we have stamina? The accumen? The devotion? The Character that will Characterize what we want to achieve?...
Are we really fruitful in doing the Lord's work? Are just going with the flow without any concern to wether we are accomplishing our goal to show mercy to some? Amen.
So the Prayer is Father in Heaven: Give us the sincere love for others, with true charity, away from all the chaff of religious rethoric: In Jesus Name We Pray...
Diet in Word Work in Charity Mastering to Perfection
A great football player who wanted to be coach, who was very diligent. A great writer who had a great descrimination and focus on his work. A great artist who labored endlessly in his works. A violinist who achieved excellence and the story goes on, about great men and women who were masters at what they did...
Wanting to reach perfection. What does all this mean is dicipline, the rigor to achieve perfection. How about us and our dicipline? AM I a dicipile of Christ? Do we have stamina? The accumen? The devotion? The Character that will Characterize what we want to achieve?...
Are we really fruitful in doing the Lord's work? Are just going with the flow without any concern to wether we are accomplishing our goal to show mercy to some? Amen.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Holy Father in Heaven, thank you for takin' us by the hand and showing us how things are. It is as to what is revealed. The cares of this life have made us all the unfruitful. In this genre of prophesyers and talkers, like we said are obsessed with this life...
The abomination is set up with "lip service". Oblation, giving to your cause has stopped. How true it is that one can easily be taken away by fellowship of these brothers, but don't talk to them about helpin' your cause...
Like Nehemiah to rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem. How true you really are God. When I told that everyone everyone that participates in the labor of the altar shares his blessing. I want you to know that I AM witness that the blessings have come. I testify to that...
Please strengthen our hands, put joy in heart and wisdom in abundance to walk in the days ahead. Again remember the cause of the needy. Bless the couffers of the Kingdom. Let your name be glorified in Heaven and in the Earth...
The theif comes only to hurt, but and destroy and that what we can do when we look away from your causes. Because you came that they may have life and have it all abundantly...
May you have all the glory.
In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.
The abomination is set up with "lip service". Oblation, giving to your cause has stopped. How true it is that one can easily be taken away by fellowship of these brothers, but don't talk to them about helpin' your cause...
Like Nehemiah to rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem. How true you really are God. When I told that everyone everyone that participates in the labor of the altar shares his blessing. I want you to know that I AM witness that the blessings have come. I testify to that...
Please strengthen our hands, put joy in heart and wisdom in abundance to walk in the days ahead. Again remember the cause of the needy. Bless the couffers of the Kingdom. Let your name be glorified in Heaven and in the Earth...
The theif comes only to hurt, but and destroy and that what we can do when we look away from your causes. Because you came that they may have life and have it all abundantly...
May you have all the glory.
In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
What percluded now that the Matrix take control...
Love,..what percludes...
I don't know,...but..
But...I couldn't agree more...
That once we run out of ideas...
God figures a way to help us back on the road...
And I could not believe what perclude so...
And I suddenly percluded I had to go to UTEP...
I have to keep with the system...
And then take over what the sysem has to give...
And then...well...off we go into another facet of life...
...us only...
I couldn't agree more,...that I have to keep what I want...
I don't know,...but..
But...I couldn't agree more...
That once we run out of ideas...
God figures a way to help us back on the road...
And I could not believe what perclude so...
And I suddenly percluded I had to go to UTEP...
I have to keep with the system...
And then take over what the sysem has to give...
And then...well...off we go into another facet of life...
...us only...
I couldn't agree more,...that I have to keep what I want...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
My mother was saying that one aspect of listening is analysing what a person says and what or who brought him or her or child to say what she say. It's when the predudice o f the speaker show up. How or she act and against who is him against. And Jer. 12:2...
the listener has to analyse the speaker to see what motivates a person to make such comments. How one expresses oneself is how one expects to be heard. If a man say, or husband beat his wife for some reason. They may be self assertive that that is the right thing to do. A man may confess this to the authorities. A person may choose not repent of this attitude.
Another says that he is an alcholic because God loves him that way. In Summary, probably in both cases the man before and after don't change because he thinks God loves him that way...
"I don't observe Lent, but in this is true of Lent, we will analyse and observe and make a very specific effort to listen. When we fast, it is when we examine ourselves, and see ourselves as we we really are and make effort to lend ear to God and his instructions."
One of the first instructions is that he wants us to have mercy and sacrifice, such as lip service adn rituals. Our sincerity in caring is what he want to see.
the listener has to analyse the speaker to see what motivates a person to make such comments. How one expresses oneself is how one expects to be heard. If a man say, or husband beat his wife for some reason. They may be self assertive that that is the right thing to do. A man may confess this to the authorities. A person may choose not repent of this attitude.
Another says that he is an alcholic because God loves him that way. In Summary, probably in both cases the man before and after don't change because he thinks God loves him that way...
"I don't observe Lent, but in this is true of Lent, we will analyse and observe and make a very specific effort to listen. When we fast, it is when we examine ourselves, and see ourselves as we we really are and make effort to lend ear to God and his instructions."
One of the first instructions is that he wants us to have mercy and sacrifice, such as lip service adn rituals. Our sincerity in caring is what he want to see.
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Anti-thesis of God...
God gave Stephen the power to do great miracles and wonders amongst the people. But some Jews from Cyrene and Alexandria were member of group who called themselves "Free Men". They started argument with Stephen...
Some others from Cicilia and Asia also argued with him...
An once the mud-slayin' againt God starts everone want to join in from all directions...
Some others from Cicilia and Asia also argued with him...
An once the mud-slayin' againt God starts everone want to join in from all directions...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
"Peter and the apostles replied: We don't obey people. We obey God. You killed Jesus by nailing him to a cross. But God our ancestors worshiped raised him to life and made him Leader and Savior. So God gave him a place at his right side, so that the people of Israel would turn back to him and be forgiven."
And if remit that some are dotted why would they have turn and be forgiven. And we do commit sins and we need to turn and be forgiven. And hte worst sin is nto ot turn and and not be forgiven...
And what is the cost of being forgiven?...
Another says that he is an alcoholic because God loves him that way. In summary, probably in both cases the man before and after don't change because they think God loves them that way...
Totally mistaken to pay the benefit of our mistakes...death and sorrow and misery and loose out on all the blessings of just being sensisible and just and fair and a little humble...
ditto..it clear if you make a hole you will fall into it sooner of later...
And if remit that some are dotted why would they have turn and be forgiven. And we do commit sins and we need to turn and be forgiven. And hte worst sin is nto ot turn and and not be forgiven...
And what is the cost of being forgiven?...
Another says that he is an alcoholic because God loves him that way. In summary, probably in both cases the man before and after don't change because they think God loves them that way...
Totally mistaken to pay the benefit of our mistakes...death and sorrow and misery and loose out on all the blessings of just being sensisible and just and fair and a little humble...
ditto..it clear if you make a hole you will fall into it sooner of later...
Sunday Sabbath Sermon Message-'...The Chat'...
My mother was saying that one aspect of listening is analysing what a person is says and what or who brought him or her or child to say what she say....
It's when she the predudice of the speaker shows up...
....Forty years later, an angel appeared to Moses from the burning bush in the desert near Mount Sinai. Moses was surprices by what he saw. He went closer and the Lord said, "I AM the God who was worshipped by your ancestors, Abraham, Issac and Jacob." Moses started shaking all over and did not dared to look at the bush....
Old Testament
If an angel appears from heaven and preached another gospel than the one we preached let him be accursed...
Apostle Paul....
The thought is and was that God sent an angel to preach the gospel to Moses and led him completely astray thinking that by giving the law the people could achieve salvation. It is not until God called from heaven that the real gospel was preached...
And then him who sent the angel to preach the accursed gospel and to be hang accursed on the cross to pay for his mistake...
And the antim goes that he who sets the snare pays for the meal...
He sent them a sort of confusion to believe a lie because they took no pleasure in the knowledge of the truth...
It's when she the predudice of the speaker shows up...
....Forty years later, an angel appeared to Moses from the burning bush in the desert near Mount Sinai. Moses was surprices by what he saw. He went closer and the Lord said, "I AM the God who was worshipped by your ancestors, Abraham, Issac and Jacob." Moses started shaking all over and did not dared to look at the bush....
Old Testament
If an angel appears from heaven and preached another gospel than the one we preached let him be accursed...
Apostle Paul....
The thought is and was that God sent an angel to preach the gospel to Moses and led him completely astray thinking that by giving the law the people could achieve salvation. It is not until God called from heaven that the real gospel was preached...
And then him who sent the angel to preach the accursed gospel and to be hang accursed on the cross to pay for his mistake...
And the antim goes that he who sets the snare pays for the meal...
He sent them a sort of confusion to believe a lie because they took no pleasure in the knowledge of the truth...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Heaven's Dawn
Before closing up for the night and going home and rest, I was in the community college lobby waiting and happened to see some typing paper seated on a coffee table...
With the clean sheet of paper was some class outline! Somebody it seems just gave up the assignment!...
That was sad because God said that men should always pray and not loose heart!...
And as you know this blog message is for me because at night my hands are cuffed and cannot greet or do anything for anybody!!!...
At night everyone is asleep and helpless to hear the message!!! It is a problem in itself to reach someone while they are awake, Say no more when they are tired and asleep!!!...
An at night it is when Satan comes to tempt me and test my own conviction and ask God why this? and why that?...
But in the morning it is even worse!!! Having to jump start into a smile while I'm weary and,...and not really together!!...
I just pray I wake up at the break of dawn and pray for God to give me victory this coming day!!!...
And I wonder where is my faith in all of this???...And came in the morning, joy!!!...
And this happens after I pray and God puts my mind together one more time!!!...
Happy is he, the Lord is his God!!!...
Please pray with me for this new day that is just around the bend!!!...
I hope to have the most wonderful of das, today!!!
May you be blessed.
God makes all things anew...
With the clean sheet of paper was some class outline! Somebody it seems just gave up the assignment!...
That was sad because God said that men should always pray and not loose heart!...
And as you know this blog message is for me because at night my hands are cuffed and cannot greet or do anything for anybody!!!...
At night everyone is asleep and helpless to hear the message!!! It is a problem in itself to reach someone while they are awake, Say no more when they are tired and asleep!!!...
An at night it is when Satan comes to tempt me and test my own conviction and ask God why this? and why that?...
But in the morning it is even worse!!! Having to jump start into a smile while I'm weary and,...and not really together!!...
I just pray I wake up at the break of dawn and pray for God to give me victory this coming day!!!...
And I wonder where is my faith in all of this???...And came in the morning, joy!!!...
And this happens after I pray and God puts my mind together one more time!!!...
Happy is he, the Lord is his God!!!...
Please pray with me for this new day that is just around the bend!!!...
I hope to have the most wonderful of das, today!!!
May you be blessed.
God makes all things anew...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Avoiding Pertinent Trouble...!!!
You people in hte Soviet Union and in India and Germany and Holland...Please pray for us for we are sorry heart troubled and need your prayers for me and Love to get together again...
God know the trouble but please remember us when you pray as we are your dear freinds in the truth...
You know how a Travan in rides Carnival wobbles off hub and it is not steady? Paul told the Church of Rome to be careful!...
Rom 11:7-10
7- What is then? What Israel sought so earnestly it did not obtain, but the elect did. The others were hardened, as it written:
"God gave them a spirit of stupidity, eyes so that they could not see and ears so they could nto hear, to this very day."
This trouble is not limited to hte Israelites, but every 'Israelite' today who still trust in obedience as the purpose of their salvation of source of...
We will never in the flesh overcome our father nature as will always have to kneel and confess our sin to Christ...
The bible reveals that man is not 'good' at all and this 'ungood'ness will we have to deal with it until Christ appears...
100% obedience will never be possible and those who trust in themselves to be able to obey God in all circumstances don't please God...
God is pleased that we see our falleness and confess it...
Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
New Testament
Love,...final thought to our freinds in Europe and Asia...
I don't think...
I can't...
Ps...I love you and God will take care of the rest...
By this we all the world know that you are my diciples...
if you have love for one another....
God know the trouble but please remember us when you pray as we are your dear freinds in the truth...
You know how a Travan in rides Carnival wobbles off hub and it is not steady? Paul told the Church of Rome to be careful!...
Rom 11:7-10
7- What is then? What Israel sought so earnestly it did not obtain, but the elect did. The others were hardened, as it written:
"God gave them a spirit of stupidity, eyes so that they could not see and ears so they could nto hear, to this very day."
This trouble is not limited to hte Israelites, but every 'Israelite' today who still trust in obedience as the purpose of their salvation of source of...
We will never in the flesh overcome our father nature as will always have to kneel and confess our sin to Christ...
The bible reveals that man is not 'good' at all and this 'ungood'ness will we have to deal with it until Christ appears...
100% obedience will never be possible and those who trust in themselves to be able to obey God in all circumstances don't please God...
God is pleased that we see our falleness and confess it...
Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican
New Testament
Love,...final thought to our freinds in Europe and Asia...
I don't think...
I can't...
Ps...I love you and God will take care of the rest...
By this we all the world know that you are my diciples...
if you have love for one another....
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Patience and kindness of Love...and as the World Thurns..Tons...How??,,, ,
The Protestants...well...
Apostolic and Romans lend me your hears...
Mire Cabron...ella te quiere...juegtela...!!!
The Miss swirled and then vanished, revealing Joramyl in the darkness. He was riding, and Mykella could my killer and glimpses of men to dark clouds and cloaks riding with him...
In Father Kennedy's opinion, this exactly where it belongs..."Yarmada Roshi felt that Zen was dead...in Japan"...
Love, what was that all about?..
I don't know...my...well...I couldn't tell you...
And what AM I to you now?...
No me la jueges...
Nose pero...no te quiero...
Well...no se que hacer...
Sin ti...!!!
I forgot Lord that not everone of her friend would receive me...for you...
Apostolic and Romans lend me your hears...
Mire Cabron...ella te quiere...juegtela...!!!
The Miss swirled and then vanished, revealing Joramyl in the darkness. He was riding, and Mykella could my killer and glimpses of men to dark clouds and cloaks riding with him...
In Father Kennedy's opinion, this exactly where it belongs..."Yarmada Roshi felt that Zen was dead...in Japan"...
Love, what was that all about?..
I don't know...my...well...I couldn't tell you...
And what AM I to you now?...
No me la jueges...
Nose pero...no te quiero...
Well...no se que hacer...
Sin ti...!!!
I forgot Lord that not everone of her friend would receive me...for you...
Monday, October 24, 2011
What's this snowman?
He's looking for cretaceous snow dinosaur...
Why does he look so sad?
He realized that snow fossilize, just melts.
Your s-now-men lead tragic lives...
Well, they're not bright....
There Treasure Everywhere
Calvin and Hobbes
Bill Watterson
Lovi, will you ever give that snowman of yours before he melts?...
I...I..couldn't say...
How will we ever get it together on that...frosty of your subject?...
I...I...do want to tell something...
I'm passing away...
And that is what may be happening...
The glitter may go and then...
There are no more applauses or limelites to slerve...
Call on the Lord while he is near...
He's looking for cretaceous snow dinosaur...
Why does he look so sad?
He realized that snow fossilize, just melts.
Your s-now-men lead tragic lives...
Well, they're not bright....
There Treasure Everywhere
Calvin and Hobbes
Bill Watterson
Lovi, will you ever give that snowman of yours before he melts?...
I...I..couldn't say...
How will we ever get it together on that...frosty of your subject?...
I...I...do want to tell something...
I'm passing away...
And that is what may be happening...
The glitter may go and then...
There are no more applauses or limelites to slerve...
Call on the Lord while he is near...
Friday, October 21, 2011
Relinquishing Fear...
A good relationship isn't always crystals and rainbows. It's a birth process, often painful, often messy. When my daughter was first born, she was covered with blood and everything else. There was a lot to go through before the Gerber appeared.
A "spiritual relationship" isn't necessarily one in which two people are smiling all the time. Spiritual means to me, above all else, authentic..."
A Return to Love
Marianne Williamson
And it the end...
And this is teh end...
And if it wasn't authentic...
When continue any moment more...
Jesus said that any relation ship not built on respect but double-mindy...ing will not last, but the storm will take everything away to nit...
The end...ditto...
A "spiritual relationship" isn't necessarily one in which two people are smiling all the time. Spiritual means to me, above all else, authentic..."
A Return to Love
Marianne Williamson
And it the end...
And this is teh end...
And if it wasn't authentic...
When continue any moment more...
Jesus said that any relation ship not built on respect but double-mindy...ing will not last, but the storm will take everything away to nit...
The end...ditto...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
"By the time we reached Damascus, we knew Randal was right. Anusual numer of syberian soldiers manned the main road to the capital; the roadsides were lined with tanks, their tarpaulin covers removed...A the road juction near the city limits were hundreds of soldiers from Defense Company" brigades..."
G0d Has Ninety-Nine Names
Judith Miller
No,...I did nto come here to say goodbye...
But to say 'high'...like hello how are you...?
But if taken wrong, don't take it...
In the cript we are misunderstood and we too misundersand because...
Or circumstances and our limitation of life and being human and weak and insecure...
Come here and get all the news in theology...
G0d Has Ninety-Nine Names
Judith Miller
No,...I did nto come here to say goodbye...
But to say 'high'...like hello how are you...?
But if taken wrong, don't take it...
In the cript we are misunderstood and we too misundersand because...
Or circumstances and our limitation of life and being human and weak and insecure...
Come here and get all the news in theology...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Consider the time is running out for you know who D..!
I see clergy now the pews are goon...!
It was a mother and child re-union is only a kinko away...!
Any time now,...mmm...mmm
Prety woman coming down the street...!
Hep...hep! this is the radar Love...
Un angel no debe llorar...un angel now debe llorar...
No debiste hacer me caso...you should of looked the other way...!!
A line here,...a codimiom there,...a Yukon blend here,...a precept there...
Till hook you,..fall back...and be mine...says God...
Many re called but few are chosen!!!...
He God gave and he took us up...!!
It was a mother and child re-union is only a kinko away...!
Any time now,...mmm...mmm
Prety woman coming down the street...!
Hep...hep! this is the radar Love...
Un angel no debe llorar...un angel now debe llorar...
No debiste hacer me caso...you should of looked the other way...!!
A line here,...a codimiom there,...a Yukon blend here,...a precept there...
Till hook you,..fall back...and be mine...says God...
Many re called but few are chosen!!!...
He God gave and he took us up...!!
"Historicallly, the problem of free will was first recognized by the founding fathers of the Christian Church. They saw that free will is tension both with God's omnicient, he must have foreknowledge of our choices, and if he is omnipotent, our actions must have been determined along with the rest of his creation..."
Western Philosophy
David Papineua
Ten years of dreams in the forest!
Now on the lake's edge laughing,
Laughing a new laugh.
In pursuit of the Way, the prime essential i zazen. Just to pass time sitting straight, without any thought of acquisition, without any sense of achiving...
enlightenment---this is the way of the patriacs, It is true that our predecesors recommended both the koam and sitting, but it was sitting they particularly insisted upon.
Philip Novak
Mendivil sells a thousand silver-colored milagros a year. She also sells about fifty to sixty large gold-plated heart in five sized priced between $5 and $50. Most people who buy the two large seizes...
"No one wants to tell thier exact source,"...she said..."Because we're afraid of competion."
Whom God set for propipiation God did not sit it out to chance what would the outcome of their fate, but sent his son to set us free...
And in some place he did nto...well he did not ever regret what he was to do to love his treasure and never waivered the the fact that if I told you I love you Love I meant it forever... and heaven heart that statement...
So God loved the world that he Gave...and no hitch or regret...a perfect gift...
Western Philosophy
David Papineua
Ten years of dreams in the forest!
Now on the lake's edge laughing,
Laughing a new laugh.
In pursuit of the Way, the prime essential i zazen. Just to pass time sitting straight, without any thought of acquisition, without any sense of achiving...
enlightenment---this is the way of the patriacs, It is true that our predecesors recommended both the koam and sitting, but it was sitting they particularly insisted upon.
Philip Novak
Mendivil sells a thousand silver-colored milagros a year. She also sells about fifty to sixty large gold-plated heart in five sized priced between $5 and $50. Most people who buy the two large seizes...
"No one wants to tell thier exact source,"...she said..."Because we're afraid of competion."
Whom God set for propipiation God did not sit it out to chance what would the outcome of their fate, but sent his son to set us free...
And in some place he did nto...well he did not ever regret what he was to do to love his treasure and never waivered the the fact that if I told you I love you Love I meant it forever... and heaven heart that statement...
So God loved the world that he Gave...and no hitch or regret...a perfect gift...
Monday, October 17, 2011
Some hand cream willl not do...
Lovi, what is the best way to success according to what is succeful..?
Lovisdud,..I don't know what that would be...
(1) I d0n't have...a way to express my true feelings...
(2) I condemn something that...can't tell you...but avoid it like the plague...lut
(3) O. my best dream is...to have some...lut of it...
(4) And if you did...not...get...lots of it...I love...security...
epilogue on thought...
(a) Begin with end in mind and not the rear one..
(b) I want to take control...
(c) Somene told me...think ...
(d) Seek first to understand then be understood...but I find it reversed...get it clear...
I really like to know what is in the plan of malectron for me...
And really everyone woman need to where his man is coming from...
And if he tell her that he loves her I would like it for ever...
So God loved the world that he gave...and not coming back from that...
Lovisdud,..I don't know what that would be...
(1) I d0n't have...a way to express my true feelings...
(2) I condemn something that...can't tell you...but avoid it like the plague...lut
(3) O. my best dream is...to have some...lut of it...
(4) And if you did...not...get...lots of it...I love...security...
epilogue on thought...
(a) Begin with end in mind and not the rear one..
(b) I want to take control...
(c) Somene told me...think ...
(d) Seek first to understand then be understood...but I find it reversed...get it clear...
I really like to know what is in the plan of malectron for me...
And really everyone woman need to where his man is coming from...
And if he tell her that he loves her I would like it for ever...
So God loved the world that he gave...and not coming back from that...
The Power and Priority of Love...
"The changes in airport security have spawned a whole new industry: ways to help people travel light. In other word, the lighter you travel, the fewer bags you have to check."
Turning Points
And Love to turning point is that when you checked with me and I told you it was you I wanted to check out. You will not you have to travel lighter and know that is clearer you won't be carring more bags and hopefully only ours along the way.
And you will have to check less along the way. Since the question is wheter our ticket is still the same. If Amarillo by Morning is where I want to go and you Kentucky Wisconsin, the we will just have to figure a way to get to both places.
And that means I respect you hometown and I just wanted to tell you that I get a frill by Amarillo by Morning...well him who want to come home after a long haul...
ditto...Lovi that Gandalia esperience...well you don't want me to go there...
Turning Points
And Love to turning point is that when you checked with me and I told you it was you I wanted to check out. You will not you have to travel lighter and know that is clearer you won't be carring more bags and hopefully only ours along the way.
And you will have to check less along the way. Since the question is wheter our ticket is still the same. If Amarillo by Morning is where I want to go and you Kentucky Wisconsin, the we will just have to figure a way to get to both places.
And that means I respect you hometown and I just wanted to tell you that I get a frill by Amarillo by Morning...well him who want to come home after a long haul...
ditto...Lovi that Gandalia esperience...well you don't want me to go there...
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Somethings are just too far away to save!!...
What affects sin?...
The was we sin has nothing to do with the way we look...!
And truly I love I see a beautiful woman...then party time wool nto say...?
But what percluded a real love to me...
And we spoken of the Power of Love and the Priority of Love...
And we all have some sort of Power and some sort of Priority...
And some like to be swaggered and how cute you are and what we you today and swagger etc..
But Priority is boring...guaranteed...!!!
And Parent are boring adn those who never had them don't know this fact...!!
But we all have to grow up in some way and some are luckiet than other because they are simply beautiful to behold...
But not so luck...and you can never love me for being rich or efficient or intelligent or ...maybe good lucking you would..
But in System Analysis... some solution are more expensive than others...And some harware is more expensive to obtain...but some precept are more expensive to get...because they are a gift...
And in the home you will never know until iyou get there that the best precept yo heard someone give you child is someone you don't appreaciate until your child grows up and says thanks mom for marrying dad, he know how to be a freind and I will never be able to repay him...
And that is gift ...well...good luck you will need it...
Silence is golden when bad direction is speaking...
The was we sin has nothing to do with the way we look...!
And truly I love I see a beautiful woman...then party time wool nto say...?
But what percluded a real love to me...
And we spoken of the Power of Love and the Priority of Love...
And we all have some sort of Power and some sort of Priority...
And some like to be swaggered and how cute you are and what we you today and swagger etc..
But Priority is boring...guaranteed...!!!
And Parent are boring adn those who never had them don't know this fact...!!
But we all have to grow up in some way and some are luckiet than other because they are simply beautiful to behold...
But not so luck...and you can never love me for being rich or efficient or intelligent or ...maybe good lucking you would..
But in System Analysis... some solution are more expensive than others...And some harware is more expensive to obtain...but some precept are more expensive to get...because they are a gift...
And in the home you will never know until iyou get there that the best precept yo heard someone give you child is someone you don't appreaciate until your child grows up and says thanks mom for marrying dad, he know how to be a freind and I will never be able to repay him...
And that is gift ...well...good luck you will need it...
Silence is golden when bad direction is speaking...
Show up! Show up regularly for prayer!
In a sermon at a wedding. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once gave this advice to a young couple: "Today you are young and very much in love and you think that your love can sustain your marriage. It can't. Let your your marriage sustain your love."
Love and prayer work the same: The beginners mistake is to think that they can be sustained simply through good feelings and good intention, without the help of ritual-contianer and sustaining rhythim.
That's naive, however sincere Love and Prayer can only be sustained by God...
Paul said that the new Passover is a bread of sincerity and not of vanity and vane thought...
And since the waffer is unleavened the love we have for each other should be without dissimulation and a false idea that we care when we really don't...
Is for me and is all for me in the end???...
In a sermon at a wedding. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once gave this advice to a young couple: "Today you are young and very much in love and you think that your love can sustain your marriage. It can't. Let your your marriage sustain your love."
Love and prayer work the same: The beginners mistake is to think that they can be sustained simply through good feelings and good intention, without the help of ritual-contianer and sustaining rhythim.
That's naive, however sincere Love and Prayer can only be sustained by God...
Paul said that the new Passover is a bread of sincerity and not of vanity and vane thought...
And since the waffer is unleavened the love we have for each other should be without dissimulation and a false idea that we care when we really don't...
Is for me and is all for me in the end???...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
"You are saying that I AM king," Jesus told him.
"Was born into this world to tell you about the truth.
and everyone who belongs to the truth hears my voice."
Pilate asked Jesus, we have Roman Laws but what is truth really??...
If you truly abide in my words, you shall know the truth, and truth shall,
set you free...
New Testament
"Was born into this world to tell you about the truth.
and everyone who belongs to the truth hears my voice."
Pilate asked Jesus, we have Roman Laws but what is truth really??...
If you truly abide in my words, you shall know the truth, and truth shall,
set you free...
New Testament
Friday, October 14, 2011
"Give the king thy judgement, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king's son."
"He shall judge you people with righteousness and thy poor with judgement..."
Psalm 72: 1-2
Kindly know Love, that I...
Well don't...
I couldn't...
And that sum it up...
And that is all God want to hear for salvation...
Blessed are the Meek for they will inherit the earth...
Jesus God
"He shall judge you people with righteousness and thy poor with judgement..."
Psalm 72: 1-2
Kindly know Love, that I...
Well don't...
I couldn't...
And that sum it up...
And that is all God want to hear for salvation...
Blessed are the Meek for they will inherit the earth...
Jesus God
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
"And men," replied Salyna.
"Berenyt is good with a blade."
Salyna and Mykella exchanged glances.
Rachylana glanced from one sister to the other, then flushed, "Not that way. You two...you're terrible."
"We didnt' say anything," Mykella said, "Not a Word."
The Lord-Protector's Daugther
L.E Modesitt Jr.
"I swear and affirm that I will protect and preserve the lives and liberties of all children of Tempre and Lanachrona, and that I will employ all talent and skill necessary to do so, at all times, and in all places, so that peace and prosperity may govern this land and her people..."
L.E Modesitt, Jr.
Some Jews grabbed this man and were about to kill him. But when I found he was a Roman Citizen, I took some some soldiers and rescued him...
New Testament
But some months after the General Electric adn Westinghouse convictions, the FCC issued a statement to the press which was also sent to the companies to effect that prior activities of their executives in fixing prices for electrical equipment raised serious doubts about capabilities of the companies to operate the rather large number of television and radio stations they owned.
American Bureaucracy
Peter Woll
"Be careful how you characterize our NATO allies,"
Obama said sharply. We need them. They are useful in this coalition."
Obama's Wars
Bob Woodward
Love, since everything in its place and peaceful...
Just the bills perclude what will come in the future...
Nose que paseo del la republica Lovi...
I see that we will have to mark up our payment monthly to stay par...
But then what else can be done...money is something we need...per
payment on the barrel head perclude elusion...
"Berenyt is good with a blade."
Salyna and Mykella exchanged glances.
Rachylana glanced from one sister to the other, then flushed, "Not that way. You two...you're terrible."
"We didnt' say anything," Mykella said, "Not a Word."
The Lord-Protector's Daugther
L.E Modesitt Jr.
"I swear and affirm that I will protect and preserve the lives and liberties of all children of Tempre and Lanachrona, and that I will employ all talent and skill necessary to do so, at all times, and in all places, so that peace and prosperity may govern this land and her people..."
L.E Modesitt, Jr.
Some Jews grabbed this man and were about to kill him. But when I found he was a Roman Citizen, I took some some soldiers and rescued him...
New Testament
But some months after the General Electric adn Westinghouse convictions, the FCC issued a statement to the press which was also sent to the companies to effect that prior activities of their executives in fixing prices for electrical equipment raised serious doubts about capabilities of the companies to operate the rather large number of television and radio stations they owned.
American Bureaucracy
Peter Woll
"Be careful how you characterize our NATO allies,"
Obama said sharply. We need them. They are useful in this coalition."
Obama's Wars
Bob Woodward
Love, since everything in its place and peaceful...
Just the bills perclude what will come in the future...
Nose que paseo del la republica Lovi...
I see that we will have to mark up our payment monthly to stay par...
But then what else can be done...money is something we need...per
payment on the barrel head perclude elusion...
Monday, October 10, 2011
"El Paso Diocese begins life celebration"
[The topic are abortion, contraceptions, the death penalty, persons with disabilities,, embryo research, and life issues, reprodutive technologies and love and marriage]
the Rio Grande Catholic
As we sit and sat down to write we can't but bless God and give him all the glory. We want to praise him and bring him adoration for his wonder. We pray to God for all appointment and direction this chat. May he have glory and praise in heaven and earth...
Any ways Lovi, what is the visit?...
Naming what visit kind adoring father of mi...?
I don't know...God and his visitation!!...
...ditto...but...well no...but I do wonder...!!!
"My soul certainly feels a loathing towards my life...
I will vent my concern about myself...
I will speak the bitterness of my soul...
Job 10:1
[The topic are abortion, contraceptions, the death penalty, persons with disabilities,, embryo research, and life issues, reprodutive technologies and love and marriage]
the Rio Grande Catholic
As we sit and sat down to write we can't but bless God and give him all the glory. We want to praise him and bring him adoration for his wonder. We pray to God for all appointment and direction this chat. May he have glory and praise in heaven and earth...
Any ways Lovi, what is the visit?...
Naming what visit kind adoring father of mi...?
I don't know...God and his visitation!!...
...ditto...but...well no...but I do wonder...!!!
"My soul certainly feels a loathing towards my life...
I will vent my concern about myself...
I will speak the bitterness of my soul...
Job 10:1
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
We were fasting because we had lost the vision in our calling to help preach the gospel. We set aside the pense but our hearts went dim with sympathy. I suddenly remembered Jonah and how he became reluctant to preach the gospel to the damned Ninevites. And he took another agenda to escape. But was disponent...
Now we realize that we are like Jonah that he cared more the plant but had no vision of caring of the importance to preach and warn the Ninevites about convincing about the severity of Judgement in the little...
Imagine what will happen when it became in big. We get the picture??!!...
Demonstrate to me you love me...
Now we realize that we are like Jonah that he cared more the plant but had no vision of caring of the importance to preach and warn the Ninevites about convincing about the severity of Judgement in the little...
Imagine what will happen when it became in big. We get the picture??!!...
Demonstrate to me you love me...
Sunday, October 2, 2011
What is at stake!!...
"On October 30, Gates sent Obama a two page SECRET memo: "Attached is our response to the 27 NSC request asking DOD to develop alternative option to General McChrystal's force option two Tab A."
Obamas Wars
Bob Woodward
And we don't what was so secret but not so secret to this public. And what is really a secret and what secrets do we really need to find out about. And are the secrets that spill out really together secrets to those inside...
"The high priest and all the other Sadducess who were with him became jealous. They arrested the apostles and put them in jail. But at night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and led the apostles out. And the angel said "Go to the Temple and tell the people everything about the new life." And went into the Temple before sunrise and started teaching."
New Testament
And the truth is that the surplanting of our liberty and Government is to supplant the work of the gospel of good news that love is gift, and that God has the last key on any decision and destiny, and...well to preach the gospel we need an environment where respect is the best form of love...
And...God has blessed this nation to accomplish that purpose and there will be success in that undertaking up now...
and ps.. Greed is the best letdown of what love is taking over what doesn't belong to us...
It is more blessed to give than to receive...
Obamas Wars
Bob Woodward
And we don't what was so secret but not so secret to this public. And what is really a secret and what secrets do we really need to find out about. And are the secrets that spill out really together secrets to those inside...
"The high priest and all the other Sadducess who were with him became jealous. They arrested the apostles and put them in jail. But at night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and led the apostles out. And the angel said "Go to the Temple and tell the people everything about the new life." And went into the Temple before sunrise and started teaching."
New Testament
And the truth is that the surplanting of our liberty and Government is to supplant the work of the gospel of good news that love is gift, and that God has the last key on any decision and destiny, and...well to preach the gospel we need an environment where respect is the best form of love...
And...God has blessed this nation to accomplish that purpose and there will be success in that undertaking up now...
and ps.. Greed is the best letdown of what love is taking over what doesn't belong to us...
It is more blessed to give than to receive...
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at the time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking that you will make all things right
if I surrende to your will;
so that I will be reasonably happy in this life
and supemely happy with you in the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr
And I knelt and prayed and said God I ran out of faith...
To accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at the time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking that you will make all things right
if I surrende to your will;
so that I will be reasonably happy in this life
and supemely happy with you in the next.
Reinhold Niebuhr
And I knelt and prayed and said God I ran out of faith...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Sorry we missed you! Deliver for you!!..
Anyways Love, what's the plan for tonite...yk...?!
You know thing...?
I don't know what you mean...?
But if you let me on I'll will know...!!
Coming around is not easy Love...!
Somethings are difficult when they are simple...
And hard when they are simple...
And when I told you I love you...
I mean it forever...
And it is not simple what that means...
But know that no man will take that away from me that...
God so loved the world that he...GAVE!!!
You know thing...?
I don't know what you mean...?
But if you let me on I'll will know...!!
Coming around is not easy Love...!
Somethings are difficult when they are simple...
And hard when they are simple...
And when I told you I love you...
I mean it forever...
And it is not simple what that means...
But know that no man will take that away from me that...
God so loved the world that he...GAVE!!!
Any way Lovi...coming in today?...
I don't know M person,...but I...will see you...
Well forget it...
I always see you everything with my heart whim...
But Love?...
No Love me N person...
What is a N person...
The one after M...
That's why M&M go together...
Give me an L...L
Give me an O...O!
Well you know...keep it low...
I don't know M person,...but I...will see you...
Well forget it...
I always see you everything with my heart whim...
But Love?...
No Love me N person...
What is a N person...
The one after M...
That's why M&M go together...
Give me an L...L
Give me an O...O!
Well you know...keep it low...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Kind and Wonderful King in Heaven, Jesus God in full Glory, father: Today we made a first mistake to go ahead with the day withour addressing and praising you...!
We bought this bought this new journal to continue to address you and give you glory. May you be blessed today, tommorrow and forever and ever...!!!
That was kind of snow job Harry!!
I don't know where I lost my head in the snow!!
Percieving that we have everything right...right...what can go wrong...??
Perceiving...of course...I'll be here every Sunday...!!
Mom and Dad don't value hard work and originality as much as they do...
We they percieve three right things...but...
Not certain which one is right or the right one...or which came first...
Or what what the original question in the first place...
And the conclusion we forgot what it was...
I AM the alpha and the omega...the last key and the first one...
We bought this bought this new journal to continue to address you and give you glory. May you be blessed today, tommorrow and forever and ever...!!!
That was kind of snow job Harry!!
I don't know where I lost my head in the snow!!
Percieving that we have everything right...right...what can go wrong...??
Perceiving...of course...I'll be here every Sunday...!!
Mom and Dad don't value hard work and originality as much as they do...
We they percieve three right things...but...
Not certain which one is right or the right one...or which came first...
Or what what the original question in the first place...
And the conclusion we forgot what it was...
I AM the alpha and the omega...the last key and the first one...
Friday, September 23, 2011
"We suffered ourselves, as you so well expressed it, to be passive subjects of public discussion. And these discussion, wheter relating to me, measures or opinion, were conducted by the parties with animosity, a bitterness and an indecency which had never been exceeded."
"All the resources of reason and of wrath were exhausted by each party in support of its own, anti-federalists, the other tories and refugees, into their bosom."
"Of this acrimony, the public paper of the day exhibit ample testimony, in debates of Congress, of the State Legislatures, of stump-orator, in be added private correspondeces of individuals; and less guarded in these, because not mean for public eye, not restrained by the respect due to that, but poured forth from overflowing of the heart into the bosom of freind, as a momentary easement of our...feelings. (or self satisfaction)"
The Republic of Reason
Norman Cousins
At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the of the fame of Jesus...
And certainly this emperor at least had some interet in Jesus to hear him out...
"All the resources of reason and of wrath were exhausted by each party in support of its own, anti-federalists, the other tories and refugees, into their bosom."
"Of this acrimony, the public paper of the day exhibit ample testimony, in debates of Congress, of the State Legislatures, of stump-orator, in be added private correspondeces of individuals; and less guarded in these, because not mean for public eye, not restrained by the respect due to that, but poured forth from overflowing of the heart into the bosom of freind, as a momentary easement of our...feelings. (or self satisfaction)"
The Republic of Reason
Norman Cousins
At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the of the fame of Jesus...
And certainly this emperor at least had some interet in Jesus to hear him out...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Crows are nice...
Lovi,...let me tell you...
When I said I love you...I meant it forever...
And looking into your twinkling eyes...
Malestron said listen thbg I WANT HER TOO!!
And this is the whole love story...
Of wanting and can't have...
So we take over the world to get what we want by force...
I used to be a theologian...
But some where along the line I wasnt content with anything...
Or even wonderful God who gave my breath...
I...game over for my people...
You dont' get because why ask..
Lovi,...let me tell you...
When I said I love you...I meant it forever...
And looking into your twinkling eyes...
Malestron said listen thbg I WANT HER TOO!!
And this is the whole love story...
Of wanting and can't have...
So we take over the world to get what we want by force...
I used to be a theologian...
But some where along the line I wasnt content with anything...
Or even wonderful God who gave my breath...
I...game over for my people...
You dont' get because why ask..
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
We take the thought of agonizing devil! Always agonizing over the news, and tragedies and if we don't have any, we invent some...!!
And the tought is to have something to worry about! And like a magnet that something pulls us to worry and what if?!...
And tell is Mathew 6:24-34, to not worry! At my house there is an agonazing devil, and always reminding my of my fears, doubts, and cares and anxieties!
And truly very effective, to choke the Word and proclaiming trust in God! How can we proclaim Someone we doubt will care of us and our business?!!..
In our mind a long list of things to do! And a long list of past mistakes and mishaps! And how can we focus on God and be delivered?! For one, remember that God is the giver of all things!..
And remember the last line of the Serenity Prayer, to know the difference of what is our business and what is God's business of doing Miracles and the impossible!.
Leave the impossible to God for once...!
And the tought is to have something to worry about! And like a magnet that something pulls us to worry and what if?!...
And tell is Mathew 6:24-34, to not worry! At my house there is an agonazing devil, and always reminding my of my fears, doubts, and cares and anxieties!
And truly very effective, to choke the Word and proclaiming trust in God! How can we proclaim Someone we doubt will care of us and our business?!!..
In our mind a long list of things to do! And a long list of past mistakes and mishaps! And how can we focus on God and be delivered?! For one, remember that God is the giver of all things!..
And remember the last line of the Serenity Prayer, to know the difference of what is our business and what is God's business of doing Miracles and the impossible!.
Leave the impossible to God for once...!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Back on the good spread 2.9 on Fiesta Alley!!..
Love dove,...
Kindly know...
The evil look I ignored...
And what ever ailed your heart...
Your ancestor dear...
Had, has and will have...
The Best Buy...
And prayed for you before...she...
Jesus before he died,..
Father forgive them,...for...
They do not know...what...
They do...
Kindly know...
The evil look I ignored...
And what ever ailed your heart...
Your ancestor dear...
Had, has and will have...
The Best Buy...
And prayed for you before...she...
Jesus before he died,..
Father forgive them,...for...
They do not know...what...
They do...
Friday, September 16, 2011
The American Dream Act...
Yahk..yactk...ya..ya yego...el...
To be toby moby or moby tobe..??
No Amor,...pero esto no me gusta mucho..
Looking at the matter closely...
I see...blink...blink...blink...
Feelings....all we have is feelings...mmm...mmm
MMm...I din...din...get it...
Stress can get you when you don't in the tummy feelings....
To die or sleep...the same on empty stomago...
(King David said to the Priest at the Temple)
"Now therefore what is under thine hand? And give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or what is there but present."...
"And the Temple Priest answered King David of Abraham, and said, 'There is no common bread under mine hand, but there is the shew bread if thy people are not defiled by women..."
"So the Priest gave King David of Abraham stock the Shew Bread from the Offering Table that was taken from before the Lord, to put new hot bread the Day it was taken away by King David who was in dire need of an empty stomach...
And we been there before...I thinks who came to this country or know someone in our family who did originate from some other land...
And only the Native American who may claim to be from here...but who know the Garden of Eden is in Irak I think...the frits..
Acid la vid...who can boast??!!
I was a stranger and you took me in...I was in prison and you came to me...I was hungry and you gave meat and I was Naked and you Respected ME...
Yahk..yactk...ya..ya yego...el...
To be toby moby or moby tobe..??
No Amor,...pero esto no me gusta mucho..
Looking at the matter closely...
I see...blink...blink...blink...
Feelings....all we have is feelings...mmm...mmm
MMm...I din...din...get it...
Stress can get you when you don't in the tummy feelings....
To die or sleep...the same on empty stomago...
(King David said to the Priest at the Temple)
"Now therefore what is under thine hand? And give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or what is there but present."...
"And the Temple Priest answered King David of Abraham, and said, 'There is no common bread under mine hand, but there is the shew bread if thy people are not defiled by women..."
"So the Priest gave King David of Abraham stock the Shew Bread from the Offering Table that was taken from before the Lord, to put new hot bread the Day it was taken away by King David who was in dire need of an empty stomach...
And we been there before...I thinks who came to this country or know someone in our family who did originate from some other land...
And only the Native American who may claim to be from here...but who know the Garden of Eden is in Irak I think...the frits..
Acid la vid...who can boast??!!
I was a stranger and you took me in...I was in prison and you came to me...I was hungry and you gave meat and I was Naked and you Respected ME...
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Tuna and Fish...
Toby or not Toby...
And if I have to tell why...
Well that is not my lulybie...
Any ways corny at least...
And why not be a beast..
And everything entrist..
And if I do wrong...
Who cares of John Doe...
And if I come right...
I will say I did it with my might...
And in the end...
Will my heart ever...
And in that I don't want to see...
My outer end...
Everything but you...
I need like you have the other shoe...
Toby or not Toby...
And if I have to tell why...
Well that is not my lulybie...
Any ways corny at least...
And why not be a beast..
And everything entrist..
And if I do wrong...
Who cares of John Doe...
And if I come right...
I will say I did it with my might...
And in the end...
Will my heart ever...
And in that I don't want to see...
My outer end...
Everything but you...
I need like you have the other shoe...
Monday, September 12, 2011
Can I help you Sir? Yep! Get out of the way!!!...
Any ways Love, dit the man help you?!!..
I don't know but the lady was chasfaving my A...
And she would not let go...
And made a quick stop...
And she would not understand in head knot...
But in end the Frappe machines on special are in...
And if you hate you kneighbor...
Why don't you do Blessings a favor...
And hate your American Neighbor...
Ay ye who hear... the sonic boom...well...pray dear!!
I don't know but the lady was chasfaving my A...
And she would not let go...
And made a quick stop...
And she would not understand in head knot...
But in end the Frappe machines on special are in...
And if you hate you kneighbor...
Why don't you do Blessings a favor...
And hate your American Neighbor...
Ay ye who hear... the sonic boom...well...pray dear!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Love me include...
16In that day shall Egypt be like unto women: and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the LORD of hosts, which he shaketh over it.
17And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt, every one that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he hath determined against it.
18In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.
19In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
Love and certainly these are grim news and what do you percluce and love include for me and all the brotherhood…??
I…I…I don’t know…
Since I left for someone else to do that…
And it is nice to see love…
But to self include…
Not fit in my heart perclude…
God help me out of this bad mood…
Love me include…
17And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt, every one that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he hath determined against it.
18In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.
19In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the LORD.
Love and certainly these are grim news and what do you percluce and love include for me and all the brotherhood…??
I…I…I don’t know…
Since I left for someone else to do that…
And it is nice to see love…
But to self include…
Not fit in my heart perclude…
God help me out of this bad mood…
Love me include…
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Way in the Fringes but in the Ball Park!!..
Any ways lovi to play the game...
We have to keep it in the ball park...
And if we secure our borders...
And if we secure corn and plank...
And if we secure our courtesy...
And then we take heart to work at these things...
Who knows the prayer will answered to get a home run...
And get to place where we can celebrate a Pennant Flag Game...
Ask and it will be given...
seek and you shall find...
Knock and it will answered...
We have to keep it in the ball park...
And if we secure our borders...
And if we secure corn and plank...
And if we secure our courtesy...
And then we take heart to work at these things...
Who knows the prayer will answered to get a home run...
And get to place where we can celebrate a Pennant Flag Game...
Ask and it will be given...
seek and you shall find...
Knock and it will answered...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Will Miss America Gandilia Person...let me tell you about her..
And in the perscroom storm...
I met someone out of the norm...
She may never been in dorm...
But she my heart tranturms...
And in the end I see...
I could not tell you...
How much honey produces...
This bee...
What is dead like lion and in gut floe honecombe bee?...
I met someone out of the norm...
She may never been in dorm...
But she my heart tranturms...
And in the end I see...
I could not tell you...
How much honey produces...
This bee...
What is dead like lion and in gut floe honecombe bee?...
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Book on "Single"...
"For most of us the loliness includes an elemenyt of existential longing. That is the need to connect with Divine..."
"...to the mystery that flows through all life..."
And Paul said that the Creation reveals the Glory ogf God...
But in mytery we don't ask because we really do not want to thank that Mystery...
And to give HIM thanks was impossible...
"...to the mystery that flows through all life..."
And Paul said that the Creation reveals the Glory ogf God...
But in mytery we don't ask because we really do not want to thank that Mystery...
And to give HIM thanks was impossible...
The Dow-n Cast Score!!...
Love,...did you put the Dow-ny in on the washer...
Love-da I really don'r know if that is need-in-full!!..
And in the end what is the score?!!..
Never fear my love...
Fly away my soul...
Turn away you fool...
In the next corrida...
Comes the swagger bull...!!
Arriva amigos...never waver...never stribble1!!...
Love-da I really don'r know if that is need-in-full!!..
And in the end what is the score?!!..
Never fear my love...
Fly away my soul...
Turn away you fool...
In the next corrida...
Comes the swagger bull...!!
Arriva amigos...never waver...never stribble1!!...
Friday, August 26, 2011
The Revival Freeway...!!
Gog help us pray in this moment of darkness...
And in the inter-rim story...
We do not worry...
Plenty og pancakes on the table...
A pretty wine goblet on the navel...
And U.S Constitution is still naval!...
And pillar crown of glory in Cheseapeake Bay...
While construsion enables...
You tremble not...
And coming forth of the turn...
You solemnly warn...
Not to corner you...
On your last presumable burn....
Burn...burn...but we will not turn...
And in the inter-rim story...
We do not worry...
Plenty og pancakes on the table...
A pretty wine goblet on the navel...
And U.S Constitution is still naval!...
And pillar crown of glory in Cheseapeake Bay...
While construsion enables...
You tremble not...
And coming forth of the turn...
You solemnly warn...
Not to corner you...
On your last presumable burn....
Burn...burn...but we will not turn...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Kindly Know and...
Kindly know and kindly mind...
And out of the bind bring me...
And if I have run up a tree...
And just stand by me...
And helpin' on the no...
And with trembling heart...
Help me in you trust...
And who still stands by me...Jesus...
And out of the bind bring me...
And if I have run up a tree...
And just stand by me...
And helpin' on the no...
And with trembling heart...
Help me in you trust...
And who still stands by me...Jesus...
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Coming of End of Him who Exalts!!...
"But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many..."
And destroy our our civil rights...
"And he shall plant the tabernacle of this palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him..."
And Passing out of the North at El Paso del North which is Pass of the North, and once many in his find out that the he disabowed the right of citizenship to those children born here in California, and between, from sea to shining sea, from California to you know where the National Anthem goes...
And indeed the Pass of the Mountain or Mountain Pass is here in El Paso...
The New Pass Over in Texas...
And none will help him who destroys the dignity of our American Children and soon or later you will find who it is who does this hedious thing in our Holy American Soil...
"But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many..."
And destroy our our civil rights...
"And he shall plant the tabernacle of this palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him..."
And Passing out of the North at El Paso del North which is Pass of the North, and once many in his find out that the he disabowed the right of citizenship to those children born here in California, and between, from sea to shining sea, from California to you know where the National Anthem goes...
And indeed the Pass of the Mountain or Mountain Pass is here in El Paso...
The New Pass Over in Texas...
And none will help him who destroys the dignity of our American Children and soon or later you will find who it is who does this hedious thing in our Holy American Soil...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Kind of think of ti lovi...
The Preceptor is all for the money...
Wether she places, wins or shows...
It is all good....
And it always been that way...
Since Jefferson gave it up for them...
And that was the premordial plan...
To take New York to Naihem...
And I just can believe...
The evil in them...
To revile those little ones...
Who say the National Anthem...
And turn to this site...and....get the 'sarten'... by the handle...
The Preceptor is all for the money...
Wether she places, wins or shows...
It is all good....
And it always been that way...
Since Jefferson gave it up for them...
And that was the premordial plan...
To take New York to Naihem...
And I just can believe...
The evil in them...
To revile those little ones...
Who say the National Anthem...
And turn to this site...and....get the 'sarten'... by the handle...
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Puttting. The Workforce in order!!...
And I don't knows Nantiki...
Puttin' people to work...
But and why is the purpose...
Haggai we work to put mint ot nint...
Meanin' we work and it goes no where...
But in the end what we do will have the greatest impact...
Meaninn...that if we mean it for good...
...good it will bring... and not evil and poverty...no matter how much we work...
And let us get to work...but alll of us not just some of us...
Like we to entertain doing all the time...
And...hold five...
Work..all things work for good who love God...
Puttin' people to work...
But and why is the purpose...
Haggai we work to put mint ot nint...
Meanin' we work and it goes no where...
But in the end what we do will have the greatest impact...
Meaninn...that if we mean it for good...
...good it will bring... and not evil and poverty...no matter how much we work...
And let us get to work...but alll of us not just some of us...
Like we to entertain doing all the time...
And...hold five...
Work..all things work for good who love God...
Saturday, August 13, 2011
I wear socks!!...
The thought being so elusive about where things are...
I take raod to another horizon...
Perhaps in the distant future...
I may find that home is home again...
And the process...
Put to hope my one grain of sand!!...
And don't swagger wrong...
I begin to hear the Huntsville Town ROTC parade band!!...
And this ids the time join President of USA...
And for the Constitution of the same USA...
Make a lasting for our Children Stand!!!...
Come all ye people and the join the Peace Train...!!!
I take raod to another horizon...
Perhaps in the distant future...
I may find that home is home again...
And the process...
Put to hope my one grain of sand!!...
And don't swagger wrong...
I begin to hear the Huntsville Town ROTC parade band!!...
And this ids the time join President of USA...
And for the Constitution of the same USA...
Make a lasting for our Children Stand!!!...
Come all ye people and the join the Peace Train...!!!
Monday, August 8, 2011
A Letter to the People of the USA...!
Kindly know that this are times of trouble for all americans...
Who love the ameican dream...
Underminin' our priciples to do good...
We fail miserably in...
In being focused on what really is at hand...
And tommorrow may bring what we may not know...
But today is the Best Buy to purchase something...
That will last...
As I told you once and twice...
a million times...
to...Buy the Truth and sell it not...
And to hold firm to what we and God hold certain...
Our dignity as human being of the human race...
Still holding thing certain here a above site...
Who love the ameican dream...
Underminin' our priciples to do good...
We fail miserably in...
In being focused on what really is at hand...
And tommorrow may bring what we may not know...
But today is the Best Buy to purchase something...
That will last...
As I told you once and twice...
a million times...
to...Buy the Truth and sell it not...
And to hold firm to what we and God hold certain...
Our dignity as human being of the human race...
Still holding thing certain here a above site...
Friday, August 5, 2011
whitchy magic
there once was a witch that was an outcast because she wanted to be normal, she was always sad beccause she had no friends and no family. until one day she came across a girl that was also lonley. so talk for a long time and decided to become best friendand started living with each other and grew old together and lived happily ever after. the moral is never judge people by thier apperence.
I kind thin Jesus said and and told us all that!!..
I kind thin Jesus said and and told us all that!!..
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A New Change of Heart!!..
My lov,...after new new come anew...
Him little and her I not know...
After a long toll or rathew tow...
One thing I came to know...
That in my heart peace and tranquility know...
And to new matters I take...
And presuming my children....
And the rest still from...
God Blessings...
And how glad we understood...d
Blessed by God...
The reveal to us what was...
At Stake and in the Stake...
And now with peace...
I share and enjoy...
My Minnisota Angus steak!!
This blessing I...
I could never myself remake...!!
What a reason the end of summer to celebrate!!
Him little and her I not know...
After a long toll or rathew tow...
One thing I came to know...
That in my heart peace and tranquility know...
And to new matters I take...
And presuming my children....
And the rest still from...
God Blessings...
And how glad we understood...d
Blessed by God...
The reveal to us what was...
At Stake and in the Stake...
And now with peace...
I share and enjoy...
My Minnisota Angus steak!!
This blessing I...
I could never myself remake...!!
What a reason the end of summer to celebrate!!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
The Coming of Age!!!..
Now coming down the road I see a gentel man!!...
And perceiving he is nothing of mine...
I perclude to take him in...
But along the way...
I lost thought...
And forgot...
For whom...
Epilogue: Now coming of age is not something new,...but when it comes we know...we have to something where we wan to go...but then we did nto want to get there so quickly...
A Cid la Vid...
It is not easy to face the truth about ourselves!
And perceiving he is nothing of mine...
I perclude to take him in...
But along the way...
I lost thought...
And forgot...
For whom...
Epilogue: Now coming of age is not something new,...but when it comes we know...we have to something where we wan to go...but then we did nto want to get there so quickly...
A Cid la Vid...
It is not easy to face the truth about ourselves!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I kind of think lovi that I thought I still love you today!...
But you see kind of sad,...
Of some sad report of swaggering n' the alley!!...
But know this that I don't love Jane,...
Or Nelly!...
But your little facy...
Here Jam and Apple Pie Jelly!!..
But you see kind of sad,...
Of some sad report of swaggering n' the alley!!...
But know this that I don't love Jane,...
Or Nelly!...
But your little facy...
Here Jam and Apple Pie Jelly!!..
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Late April Morning Sabbath Message!!..
I like to think that sometimes in the early morning we like to think of something peaceful like God himself...
And in that early morning when light breaks in the Orient I like to think that that is when the day of the world starts...
And as the sun sweep across the blue ocean I like to believe that it carries news from abroad...
And when it reaches Cheaseapeak Bay the sun has already seen many things and many people...
And when we behold it at noon then we know it is our turn to be lit...
And when is set in the horizon in California when it has done its duty for the whole world for God...
Your are my Sunshine...my only Sunshen...you make me happy....mmmm
And in that early morning when light breaks in the Orient I like to think that that is when the day of the world starts...
And as the sun sweep across the blue ocean I like to believe that it carries news from abroad...
And when it reaches Cheaseapeak Bay the sun has already seen many things and many people...
And when we behold it at noon then we know it is our turn to be lit...
And when is set in the horizon in California when it has done its duty for the whole world for God...
Your are my Sunshine...my only Sunshen...you make me happy....mmmm
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
When things are figured out!!..
Lovi I fuguer that when no-bell is on the operating system needs to on as well...?!
Kind musse hair percussion,...I thought I was keeping that a secret?!!...
Love is in te ar: I tell you I couldn't figur it out...
...till el momento de die!!...
I du l like...that idea...
And the fact that God has system plan and the last key...
Well that cause me and much many amazement!!...
Ace..la..ve you?...
Come here a let God let you in on the matter!!...
Kind musse hair percussion,...I thought I was keeping that a secret?!!...
Love is in te ar: I tell you I couldn't figur it out...
...till el momento de die!!...
I du l like...that idea...
And the fact that God has system plan and the last key...
Well that cause me and much many amazement!!...
Ace..la..ve you?...
Come here a let God let you in on the matter!!...
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Orco Sound that brings relief!!...
I was talkin' to minzi and she just could nto shut up!!...
Askin' question and question and about the dinner hour...
When we want peace here come 97 mosquito questions to...
Take away the peace of the world!!...
But we took on to make an Orco sound which devil language to shut up!!..
And everone who belongs is safely watchin' tv in hell!!...
What relief we have in God!!...
The Spirit and Bride say all you Come!!...
Glory to God indeed for the peace of this nite!!..
Askin' question and question and about the dinner hour...
When we want peace here come 97 mosquito questions to...
Take away the peace of the world!!...
But we took on to make an Orco sound which devil language to shut up!!..
And everone who belongs is safely watchin' tv in hell!!...
What relief we have in God!!...
The Spirit and Bride say all you Come!!...
Glory to God indeed for the peace of this nite!!..
The Luckiest Girl in the whole USA!!..
Tammy: Dear Hun,...
I like the perceive I AM the luckiest girl in the corral!!..
Hobo de I.Q.: I see you have some preception...
...and some top on head of blonderation...!!
Tame-me: I don't see what you mean...
...my Crystal Ball Purcution...
Hobo de White Flag: No!...Don't get me wrong...
...The music is playin'...and any sense in n' you displayin'!!..
...But where there is a will...there is a way!!...
But sometime God a miracle displayin'...
...in you Dis-Placing...
...far astrayin!!...
Tam: Get you bags and and start...
...outside contem-playin!!...
Hobo: This game...
I did not...please amnesia what I was sayin!!...
In the Beginnin' was the sayin'..
I like the perceive I AM the luckiest girl in the corral!!..
Hobo de I.Q.: I see you have some preception...
...and some top on head of blonderation...!!
Tame-me: I don't see what you mean...
...my Crystal Ball Purcution...
Hobo de White Flag: No!...Don't get me wrong...
...The music is playin'...and any sense in n' you displayin'!!..
...But where there is a will...there is a way!!...
But sometime God a miracle displayin'...
...in you Dis-Placing...
...far astrayin!!...
Tam: Get you bags and and start...
...outside contem-playin!!...
Hobo: This game...
I did not...please amnesia what I was sayin!!...
In the Beginnin' was the sayin'..
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Way We Bowl!..
Any ways...
Takin' another shot..
I ran out of lanes...
And we don't want to speak what we spoke about...
And in the game was a good bout...
But in the way...
Money we ran out...
And out of no where...
We borrowed with plenty...
Of Clout!!...
An the economy we knock-out!!...
Turn here and prosperity hear about!!
Takin' another shot..
I ran out of lanes...
And we don't want to speak what we spoke about...
And in the game was a good bout...
But in the way...
Money we ran out...
And out of no where...
We borrowed with plenty...
Of Clout!!...
An the economy we knock-out!!...
Turn here and prosperity hear about!!
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