Friday, November 18, 2011

The topic is about some advice physichologis give parents to what they should tell teenagers. I had terribly rebellious children or teenagers. I got a call from their school every day. How do you deal with rebellion?...

Why are children discontent? What are the issues of teenagers? Teenagers want to be independent and they want to explore. Teenagers have to deal with their sexuality and career choices...

In other words the teenager years are identity focusing times. Their values fam and expectations and dreams. My mother says it true because if it is not our parents why teach us who will...

Why the rebellion? They want to be independent but they need a job, a career and how to make a living. How is this all revalent because parents do not pray for their children, and their unthankful lives...

Carrying on into the live of their teens. Their ungiving purses do not raise a hedge against the enemy. So their children are consumed. The promised that if maghtily forget him he will and promises to forget our children...

So children parents with dissimulation issues do help not, the plight of their most precious possesion, their children. Amen.


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