Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"Historicallly, the problem of free will was first recognized by the founding fathers of the Christian Church. They saw that free will is tension both with God's omnicient, he must have foreknowledge of our choices, and if he is omnipotent, our actions must have been determined along with the rest of his creation..."

Western Philosophy
David Papineua

Ten years of dreams in the forest!
Now on the lake's edge laughing,
Laughing a new laugh.

In pursuit of the Way, the prime essential i zazen. Just to pass time sitting straight, without any thought of acquisition, without any sense of achiving...

enlightenment---this is the way of the patriacs, It is true that our predecesors recommended both the koam and sitting, but it was sitting they particularly insisted upon.

Philip Novak

Mendivil sells a thousand silver-colored milagros a year. She also sells about fifty to sixty large gold-plated heart in five sized priced between $5 and $50. Most people who buy the two large seizes...

"No one wants to tell thier exact source,"...she said..."Because we're afraid of competion."


Whom God set for propipiation God did not sit it out to chance what would the outcome of their fate, but sent his son to set us free...

And in some place he did nto...well he did not ever regret what he was to do to love his treasure and never waivered the the fact that if I told you I love you Love I meant it forever... and heaven heart that statement...


So God loved the world that he Gave...and no hitch or regret...a perfect gift...


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