Yahk..yactk...ya..ya yego...el...
To be toby moby or moby tobe..??
No Amor,...pero esto no me gusta mucho..
Looking at the matter closely...
I see...blink...blink...blink...
Feelings....all we have is feelings...mmm...mmm
MMm...I din...din...get it...
Stress can get you when you don't in the tummy feelings....
To die or sleep...the same on empty stomago...
(King David said to the Priest at the Temple)
"Now therefore what is under thine hand? And give me five loaves of bread in my hand, or what is there but present."...
"And the Temple Priest answered King David of Abraham, and said, 'There is no common bread under mine hand, but there is the shew bread if thy people are not defiled by women..."
"So the Priest gave King David of Abraham stock the Shew Bread from the Offering Table that was taken from before the Lord, to put new hot bread the Day it was taken away by King David who was in dire need of an empty stomach...
And we been there before...I thinks who came to this country or know someone in our family who did originate from some other land...
And only the Native American who may claim to be from here...but who know the Garden of Eden is in Irak I think...the frits..
Acid la vid...who can boast??!!
I was a stranger and you took me in...I was in prison and you came to me...I was hungry and you gave meat and I was Naked and you Respected ME...
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