West Texas Catholic Communities
Every year families get together to celebrate the birthdays of their loved ones, their sons and daughters, moms and dads, even dear friends. In December we celebrate a very special birthday, the birthday of Jesus. And that special day on which the birthday of Baby Jesus is called “Christmas”…
The Rio Grande Catholic
Vol. 20 Number 8
The notion we put on Christmas lights on December to celebrate the Christmas Holiday, is that the certain named sheperds kept vigil by night looking at the starry night as they kept watch over the sheep flock…
And being a starry night, a star appeared to them, them that the Christ Child had been born. And they remended to follow the star to Jerusalem where the Child of Heaven lay on manger in swabblin’ clothes or cover drapes…
And being covered, he remained covered till he was declothed to be swatted by Roman Soldiers and then in the Cross, well nothing or little remained of what he God had on…
And being clothed with nothing, we cannot bring anything into this world or take anything out but..
Coming to terms, Christmas is about giving and lettin’ go of past grudges and remend to entreat a new year with a new spirit to confront he new morning of the first of the year with a smile that God reigns in heaven in full glory…
And not in swaddlin’ clothes we entertain him year round…
May God have all the Praise and all the Glory forever and ever. Amen.
Happy Holidays
One thing,...
One?...Can't tell!!...
God says that how to do right...