Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Honey Turn-Over to Humans Heaven...

Honey turned over to face us. I could physically feel her face throbbing with with the indignity of the slight.

‘Of course I have,’ Honey insisted. ‘Boys go mad for me.’
‘Yes, yes, yes, darling, we know you are a slapper. You could pull anyone in the least bit titled, regardless of whether they’re even fit. But you have ever an actual boyfriend?’

I could be wrong, but I was almost certain Honey hesitated before she said, ‘Load.’

‘Oh really?’ Name them, Indie said, wide grin of her face.

‘More like shame them,’ Star added, laughing. ‘Who’d go out with you ?’

Suddenly the florescent lights went on. ‘What is this?’ Miss Bibsmore hissed from the doorway. ‘You move that bin, Miss O’Hare, and git back to yer own room.’

‘That is soooo unfair,’ Honey fumed. I spotted Siddhartha peeking in the room and waved at him to bugger off.

Dumping Princes
Tyne O’Connell

And it came to pass that Honey ‘Florescent’ Lucifer, now Satan went from the dominion of God and wanted to make a name for himself. And the idea of Lucifer was that once he could muster an army from beyond the compound dominion of the Universe, he could with the help of his ‘Pom-Pom’ club from Ugly Land could muster a campaign against God…

And idea that a Siddhartha would get ahead of him, did not please him at being, Siddhartha being some one time human. And once Satan who is allowed in Heaven learned He had not more abiding place there forever fumes with wrath at all humans and decided that one way to get back was to bring curses on humans with the idea that no human was going to get ahead of him. And when Jesus came in the flesh that was last abomination for him…

And He had to put him on the cross and bring Him God in the Flesh the worst treatment disgrace for having disqualified Lucifer from the community of those who have a dotedness and abiding place in heaven for ever…


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