Sunday, March 18, 2012

"You better go," his mother said. "Go help your dad."

She walked back to the house, and the kitchen light came on,

casting a square of yellow on the grass. The sun was almost

down, watery and round behind gray clouds. He looked at the

goat, its whiteness glowing in the sudden dark. His nose was run-

ing and long fingers were cold. They ached inside, along the

narrow bones."


"At first, she hated working in the science lab at lunch and

on free periods while other seniors drove home or walked down-

town. But last year she'd dished up food behing the line in the

cafeteria, a net over her hair. No matter how many times she ran

them through the wash, her jeans and sweater never lost the

smell of rancid grease."

Love and Country
Christina Adam


Then Eliphaz the Tremanite answered and said,

Can a man be profitable unto God, as he that is wise

may be profitable unto himself?

It is any pleasure to the Almighty that you are righteous?

or gain to him, that you makest you way perfect?

Will he reprove thee for fear of thee? will he enter with thee

into judgement?

Old Testament

Has God seen anything new in seeing someone perfect? And hasth God seen anything new in see someone rich? And hasth God seen anything new is seeing someone shine bright?
Is there anything new under the sun?

For news of scientific progress and discoveries?
Outrage Passion & Uncommon Sense

Michael Gartener


1 comment:

  1. As the 1950's opened. Americas adolescents were basically a conservative, unrebellioius lot. Although the word 'teenager' has come into widespread circulation in the 1940's to describe this distict age group mired in the limbo between puberty and adulthood, the teenager of the early fifties had not yet developed a distict subculture. They had few rights and little moneyo their own, wore basically the same kind of clothing their parents wore, and watched the same television shows, went to same movies, used the same slang and listened to the same romantic Perry Come, Frank Sinatra, and other middle-aged or nearly middle-aged artist. Their idols were Joe DiMaggiok, General MacArthur and other prominent members of the older generation...

    Generation in a Spotlight
    God's Country
    J.Ronald Oakley

    The envy the pervades the youth of our generation, yet we hate them because we are not of them. And knowing that some has turned off the kitchen light we are on the floor hoping we we were they whose days are new. And not knowing how to take wings we went to group ourselves in our committees and yet how we would like to know the secret of youth...

    And we worry what how the last day of our life is going to be like...

    We form idea that...we have no idea at all how to continue on...

