"The rise of Rome, from mythically simple beginnings of a few dwellings above the river Tiber to dominion over the whole Mediterrean world, was seen by Romans themselves as inevitable and divinely ordained...
The qualities on which the Romans prided themselves--piety, fidelity and above all virtus, meaning courage, ability, strength and excellence--were what made their empire possible, indeed invincible...
So long as its citizens retained themselves, Rome would remain mistress of the world..."
Roman Empire
Nigel Rodgers
"A churchman eventurally complained that the profanity in the paper was abhorrent. The editor answered in an editorial: 'It is our desire to be explicit and we hope we make ourselves reasonaby clear, when we say 'to hell with Holenzoller and Hapburg.'...
It is the kind of profanity the Christian Churchman abhors? It is we'll be hornwswaggled if we don't repeat it six days in the week and twice on Sunday! There'"
To Hell with the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs!
Michael Garden
"The apostles came back and told Jesus everything they had done. He then took them with Him to some place where they could be alone...
New Testament
The apprehension the Jesus trusted the spostle to take him places is curious because there a lots of Barabbasses in that time like we have today...
And even in an intimate moment the spouse man or woman may decloak and takea a knife and poke you to the ribs and really see what kind of person that is...
And today that might happen to close the idea that the only person we can really trust is God...
But in that trust may God lead you someone who really concerned about your welfare and not some gimmick to Rescue Mission out you of your goodies at knive point where that person is a man or woman, good look or not...
Love, ditto...?!!
I don't know...but--
I don't really--
I could not envision--
I could of made a mistake--
Without knowing the consequences of not...
Love always trusts...
Security a must...
Trouble with lust...
One can end up in ashes and dust...
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